Stueh Stueh wrote:
Slightly off topic, I remember hearing of a Russian Commander, or something of the sort, who was sitting in the cockpit of a USAF aircraft looking about, as they were intending on buying some. Apparently the pilot (getting ready to the side of the aircraft) looked away, and next thing he knew he was watching the fellow shooting up into the sky and parachuting down :)

Jamestown airshow in October last year:  Warbirds doing great guns
selling joyflights to all manner of punters ($400 ea -- Good work if
you can get it)

One of the said punters was being strapped into the back seat of the
plane that was about to carry him skywards, and played with the wrong
lever.  Next thing anyone knew, the port side undercarriage had "collapsed"
and the aircraft was left standing askew on its nosewheel, starboard
main and port wingtip.

After a quick embarrassed shuffling of feet, a crew of three did a
quick heave-ho under the port wingtip, and the undercarriage was
re-locked down.  Three greens, three cheers!

The aircraft did joyflights for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately for the operator, one of the spectators at the time was a
CASA official, and questions were subsequently asked about the wisdom of
offering joy flights to the public in an aircraft which had just suffered an
undercarriage collapse and which hadn't subsequently received any kind of
airworthiness inspection.

I have no idea what came of that line of investigation.  I suspect that
other people on this list know more about it than I do...

   - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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