Hi all

"a big loss to potential customers from overseas concerning my own club
(GCV) recently."

There is no reason to force anyone to promote gliding(Via the OLC),
especially when as stated such promotion is only to benefit commercial
gliding club operations ability to attract overseas customers.(That was the
reason stated above wasn't it?)Representing this as promoting gliding is
disingenuous to say the least.

I am happy to promote gliding in fact for many years I sat on the WGC stand
at the Royal show in SA lifting kids in and out of gliders. That is
promoting gliding not acting as a publicity agent for commercial purposes.
See the difference? If any club wants to attract overseas visitor's they
should pay for their own advertising, not try and force their members to do
it for them. I think if such an unjust fine system was introduced I for one
would not pay. Hopefully sensible club management will reject such a silly

How exactly will attracting overseas pilots help increase our local
membership again? Answer: It wont.

All things must pass and it may well be gliding is one of them, particularly
in its current form and ideas such as this will only hasten the rising
dissatisfaction with many elements of the current system.

By all means if you wish to be a part of the OLC, why should you be allowed
to fine others if they don't want to?

So, let's see if you can find another spin to justify this eh?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wayne
Sent: Wednesday, 4 July 2007 11:55 AM
To: aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] OLC

Ahhh jeez, done it again!

THIS is the OLC download information link


sorry all

Let me further explain my position and thinking.

As a small business owner I know success of any business relies 
primarily on SALES.
Gliding, as a sport and like all other sports nowadays must be run as a 
business - those of you who cannot understand that simply never will, 
sorry, and those who do are probably business owners like myself.
Think of any sport you enjoy for yourself or as an observer and check it 
from a business perspective. All the big ones are big business, all the 
little ones are basically, like ourselves in gliding, on the way out.
As polarisingly simple and harsh as that sounds, it is.

The problem is, we have been doing what we are currently doing and we 
are going downhill.
The answer is, we have to change.
Can I make it simpler than that?

This is not personal, its a worldwide gliding fact and MUST be addressed 
before we are all old pilots in old ships, no upcoming kids, no faster, 
sleeker glass.
Understand yet?

We either take the bitter pill (c'mon, its a small "fine" towards our 
future) or we will get sick and die.

The OLC  should NOT be viewed just as a competition, although that is 
its original probable intention.
The OLC will be able to give us far, far more than just flight 
comparison and logging of data.
It can be used as a sales tool -thats why all the bigger clubs and 
commercial operations are so well represented there.

Honestly, if you were on final glide and the PDA showed impact prior to 
the airstrip, would you sit there and wait or would you do something?
Gliding, as a sport, is on final glide and we DONT have enough altitude- 
thats my analogy.

Hi to all,

Wayne Carter
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