A while back I got to listen to a spiel from a company looking at adding hydrous ethanol to diesel. Worked a treat and tests confirmed it on large mining equipment and trains. Never heard of since ;-)

The argument presented was that the worst place to add ethanol was in gasoline as it increased the surplus of gasoline on the market.

Apparently the chief determinant on crude oil refining is the diesel market requirement, the amount of gasoline produced is driven by the amount of diesel required and as a result the gasoline is always in surplus. Hence you see gasoline discounted but never see diesel discounted. Sounded convincing at the time...



Jim Staniforth wrote:
What is the current price of diesel versus mogas in Australia?
In the US, the fuel companies have figured out that they can charge more for diesel than even premium gasoline. For example, at the moment I'm in Las Vegas where regular mogas is about $3.65US per US gallon, premium mogas around $3.90, and diesel $4.35. These figures are $.25 or so less than at home in California. Truckers and those who paid extra for diesel vehicles are furious, as we all know diesel fuel is more easily produced. It's a matter of time before this daylight robbery happens in Australia, if it hasn't already. If so, this throws the economic advantage of diesel out the window and all you're left with is a bad smell. Besides that I like the sound of the LS-1 V-8. Not quite as sexy as the Rolls-Royce Merlin running flat out, but who can afford one of those?

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