"The current mob have halved the membership numbers while the population of 
Australia has gone up by 25%"
Doesn't this part of the rant totally ignore every other possible factor? A 
clear worldwide decline due to increased competition for leisure time & 
decreased tolerance of the time/effort commitment both immediately spring to 
mind. I guess they are just convenient excuses? If so it must be the GFA - I 
just didn't realise "the current mob" ran giding in nearly every other country 
It's going to be a long winter ...

--- On Thu, 23/4/09, Mike Borgelt <mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com> wrote:

From: Mike Borgelt <mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com>
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Board members: TERM OF OFFICE - proposed change 
to 8 years service limit from 5 years
To: "Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia." 
Received: Thursday, 23 April, 2009, 6:41 AM

Well Sean,

The GFA has put lots of things in place to limit or restrict our ability to fly.

The whole concept of "supervision".

The dual control check after rigging is another.

Annual flight reviews when everyone else in recreational aviation in this 
country only requires them every 2 years and at gliding clubs you get to see 
everyone take off and land all the time anyway. Not that there seems to be any 
evidence that they have the slightest effect on stopping people killing 

The ridiculous minimum hours for a Level 2 independent operator rating (you can 
get a CPL with fewer hours than that in the real world). Why not just call it a 
PPL and have people add the rating to the power one? Might even get some new 
glider pilots.

High membership fees that are spent on what exactly?

High "Airworthiness administration fees" for what exactly? The maintenance 
release must be the most expensive useless book in existence.

You may not know it but the GFA  didn't want to let gliders with Experimental 
certificates into contests when CASA changed the regs to provide for these.

Emilis makes a good point in his post. Just how much worse could a new mob do? 
The current mob have halved the membership numbers while the population of 
Australia has gone up by 25%. Amongst other things this has caused a collapse 
in older used glider prices.

Still happy with the GFA?


At 08:22 PM 22/04/2009, you wrote:
> Robert,
>    You may find that like many other members we simply don't really mind what 
>the GFA does as long as we are allowed to continue flying and soaring in 
>piece. If heaven forbid the GFA put in place something else that stops or 
>limits our ability to fly. Say another rule that (and this is toungue in 
>cheek) requires a second Level 2 instructor to always be on the ground to 
>supervise us. Then yes we might just get a little upset.
>    If the only feed back is that we don't want the new rules then please feel 
>free to fight the good fight to make sure the new rule does not happen.
>    Your in appathy (and I have served on the board so I understand your 
>    Sean

Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
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