

CASA have no current or future envisaged capability to issue a "Glider Pilot 
Licence" that should be enough of a hint!!!! 

I really cant talk about the details as i may be put in "Gaol" although the 
holiday would be nice i dont think my rectum would cope.


I actually try hard not to read too many posts as i usually have detailed work 
do, apologies if i have missed a "gem" that you have posted over the past 
decade. I must have been day dreaming for that moment in time.

While you are online can you tell me how the hell to get the B500 to actually 
talk to a computer? your website tells me there is a problem thats being fixed 
with the comm program? Our Duo has 2 units and one is working great, the other 
is not so great..

Any chance you will produce a software package that operates from a PDA one day 
like Cambridge have?


By the way i do not work for the CASA anymore, so bring on the bagging.





> Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:25:21 +1000
> To: aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net
> From: mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Board members: TERM OF OFFICE - proposed 
> change to 8 years service limit from 5 years
> At 01:37 PM 27/04/2009, you wrote:
> > > Gliding is dying. I know of entire gliding clubs that had to cease
> > > operations because of GFA rules. Having supervision and a CFI is NOT
> > > a CASA requirement. One senior CASA person I spoke to about this
> > > could not understand why GFA would make this a requirement.
> >
> >Gliding is in decline due to many influences like cost, other 
> >alternatives like RAA and social presures that were not about 20 
> >years ago, to blame it on the GFA's policies and structure is very 
> >simplistic.
> Mark, I agree that there are other causes for the decline. That 
> doesn't mean it is smart to have rules that cause clubs to stop 
> operating. Ask the guys at the former gliding club at Darwin.
> >
> > > CASA itself offered a way out a few years ago but the proposal was
> > > terminated with extreme prejudice by the GFA. I've raised this on
> > > numerous occasions here but nobody has been game to say why. The
> > > proposal would not have prevented the GFA operating exactly as it
> > > does today for those who wanted that.
> >
> >The reasons the GFA resisted the CASA alternative are based on non 
> >publisised arguments that i should not go into, needles to say some 
> >want to have their cake and eat it also.
> >Maybe suporting the organisation that suports your wants would make 
> >things seem more "fair and democratic"?
> I can't follow this. So if there were good arguments why weren't they 
> published? If you know them why shouldn't you tell us?
> I suspect the main argument was that if people had a CASA licence 
> they couldn't be forced to join the GFA and the GFA would lose 
> revenue/power/influence.
> >
> > > Most of the posters here who are happy with the way things are see
> > > their own club and maybe go to the odd contest. I communicate with
> > > people from all over the country and internationally re the state of
> > > the sport. It has been an ugly picture for a long time with Australia
> > > one of the worst. We'll see how many glider manufacturers are 
> > left in 5 years.
> >
> >Obviously you dont speak with the same people i do, the only common 
> >thread is that gliding is in some decline in some areas, the why and 
> >how long may change. Keep in mind at all times, change is 
> >inevitable, you can embrace it and also change (learn) or fear it 
> >and throw stones (witch hunting i think they called it).
> >
> >If you truly disagree with the state of things do something about it 
> >and get involved, working to find solutions is always harder than 
> >sitting at a computer complaining without puting forward benificial options.
> I've put forward many different alternatives, many times, Mark. Maybe 
> you should read them again and try to understand them.
> Mike
> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments
> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
> fax Int'l + 61 746 358796
> cellphone Int'l + 61 428 355784
> Int'l + 61 429 355784
> email: mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com
> website: www.borgeltinstruments.com 
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