Hi all,

Dave Donald wrote;

> I thought it was absolute crap, and did nothing for the
image of gliding. The segment started with (words to the effect) "sure
it's dangerous, they crash all the time". Great stuff.

Crap? The great pity it is that statement is true, or dont you see the regular 
posts about gliding accidents both here and overseas?

I can post at least 10 links to fatal accident reports form last year if you 
wish. You are fooling yourself Dave.

Would you prefer they lied and said oh no it is perfectly safe? 

Some years ago I saw some materials relating to the accident rate/hr in gliding 
compared to other forms of aviation. It was not comforting reading.

>It was also shown after a segment where they all went bungee
jumping so is this where we want our sport to be 
>positioned, and
the type of people we will attract?

Yes it is. Did you read Martin Feeg's last column in Feb Soaring Australia? 

You are a
classic example of the problem he talked about. If we want to have a
healthy growing sport, we need to change our attitude, and break the groupthink 
monoculture that is entrenched. 

>Garbage like this we don't need.

Could you make a more arrogant and elitist cooment than that?

The 1950's phoned, they want their attitude back. Pathetic Dave.

>If people are attracted to the sport for the perceived danger, then we're 
>going about this the wrong way.

Are you saying the abject failiure  to grow over the last 30 years is the right 

You could not be more wrong-the sports that offer such percieved danger are 
healthy, gliding is not. 

It is perception of danger we can use for promotion not the actuality of it. If 
someone is attracted by the danger element, it does not follow they will fly in 
a dangerous manner. 

Going by this show a spin is dangerous, and we are all trained to recover from 
them safely. 

Sometimes it is PERCEPTION of danger that attracts  people, even if they only 
turn up for an AEF we have improved the financial viability of our sport, and 
have no other way of gaining members.

 >And for the people who say 'any publicity is good publicity' ought to watch 
 >this drivel and rethink their stance.

Or you should realise how all current promotions have failed us and wake up to 
see the modern world, not the world of the 50's. 

 No wonder were in such deep doo if crap attitudes like yours prevail. I think 
the program is an excellent a positive in attracting people to our sport-as 
long as they dont run into the likes of yourself.
Why do you think we have a tiny minority of under 30's? 

Because we are dominated in the sport by a bunch of OLD in both age and 
attitude people determined to only have like minded people involved. 

Thinking differently is actively discouraged. Read Martins extremely perceptive 
piece again and ponder. 


Dave L


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