Maybe a dud pilot!


From: "Texler, Michael" <>
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
Sent: Thu, 20 May, 2010 1:32:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] New Non Controlled Aerodrome ops (hopefully useful 

>If a pilot says something on the radio, and nobody hears him, is he
still there?

According to the CASA dudes that spoke on Tuesday, they don't really
care if you are in Class G airspace! The CASA police aren't listening to
every transmission on 126.7 MHz live. Not even CENSAR uses your
transmission (unless you are submitting/amending a SARTIME via radio),
they base SARTIME on what you submit via your flight plan.

The tapes are only listened to if you disappear or draw the attention of
CASA for whatever reason. (Or the operator of the aerodrome so they can
extract your rego and send you a bill for landing fees....)


>If a pilot says something on the radio, and nobody hears him, is he
still there?

Consider other possibilities for not being heard!!!! ;-)

* Said pilot may have forgotten to turn on radio.

* Said pilot may have forgotten to press the push to talk, or clipped
the transmission (remember, press-pause-talk-pause-release).

* Said pilot may have dud batteries, dud microphone or dud radio.

* Said pilot may have forgotten to plug in headset!

* Said pilot may be broadcasting on incorrect frequency (a common cause
of this is forgetting to flip-flop the frequencies i.e. finger trouble).
This can also happen if you have two radios on board (not common in
gliders) and you select the incorrect radio to transmit on (i.e.
transmitting on COM2 instead of COM1)

* Receiving pilot/person may be on incorrect frequency.

* Receiving station may have squelch at wrong level.

* Receiving station may have volume turned down too low.

* Receiving station may have dud speakers, dud radio, dud batteries.

Oh yes, so many ways not to be heard.....;-)

Did anyone hear that?
I do believe I still exist... ;-)

Cheers from outwestdownunder

Michael T.

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