>Does this change in any way our exemption to perform low level finishes

Good question.

I haven't heard an official GFA statement yet WRT new regs and low level

I am referring to (OPERATIONS DIRECTIVE 1/06 - Low Level Finish Pilot
Endorsements): http://2009.gfa.org.au/Docs/ops/OD%201-06.doc

This is my own interpretation.

By my reading of this OPS Directive and the CAAPs, the new
non-controlled aerodrome ops should not make a difference and seem to be
in harmony with the ops directive.

It is up to the pilot performing the low level finish to have sufficient
skill and knowledge plus situational awareness to do it safely and to
fit in with other airspace users.

The take home messages from the ops directive:
1) You need to have a working radio on the correct frequency, no working
radio, no low level finish.
2) Need to inform the other airspace users of your intentions early.
3) Should not unduly disrupt operations or compromise safety.
4) The low level finish should be abandoned if a conflict will occur.
5) You need to be endorsed for it.

Under the new regs for non-controlled A/D, there is the requirement that
you are established on final by 500' above aerodrome level (AAL).


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