Thanks Kenneth

That doc makes for pretty salutary reading.

On 28/05/2010, at 16:56 , Kenneth Jason Caldwell wrote:

On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 15:26 +0930, Terry Neumann wrote:
Michael Shirley wrote:
And according to BGA winching in the UK is 7 times more dangerous than aerotow - from memory that's 7 times as many deaths as from aero towing.

As a innocent bystander, whose club uses winch launching, I think both
of these statements really require further development and factual
support before they can be beneficial to the discussion.  It is
helpful, indeed essential to know the ratio of winch to aerotow
launches for the above figures to be worthy of serious consideration.
I'm surprised that they've been omitted.

The following excerpts are from a BGA document from 2008 entitled

All UK winch accidents since 1974 have been surveyed.

The average frequency of winch accidents is 1 in every 13000 launches.
The volume of winch launching is such, however, that there were 731
winch accidents from 1974 to 2006. These accidents included 35 deaths
and 72 serious injuries for an average of one death and two serious
injuries per year. In that period winch accidents accounted for 273
written off or substantially damaged gliders.

Although the glider fleet has changed materially and powerful winches
have become commonplace the rates and the severity of wire launch
accidents have stayed the same throughout the period 1974-2005.

The glider crash rate on winch launches is 50% higher than on aerotow
launches but the fatal and serious injury rate on winch launches is
eight times that on aerotow launches.

Inadvertent stalling and spinning, winch launches, and collisions are
the three main contributors to fatal and serious injury gliding

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