I was saddened to hear of Jacks passing last week, although I never had the 
pleasure of meeting him personally, some of my fellow club members  knew him 


About 15 years ago I organised the transfer to tape of a 16mm documentary 
produced in the late fifties. The National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra 
were kind enough to facilitate this. I then dubbed about 200 copies to VHS 
(sadly this was before DVD’s) which were distributed to fellow club members at 
a nominal cost.


I have recently digitised this footage from VHS to MPEG 2, and whilst the 
quality is hardly broadcast  it is watchable. The reason I mention all this is 
that Jack Iggulden briefly appears in the documentary flying a Skylark.


The Documentary is rather amusingly (for this day and age) called “Queer Birds” 
. It offers a fascinating snapshot into Gliding in Australia in the 1950’s.

Now that You tube allows video lengths of up to 15 minutes, I have been able to 
upload it for all to see:




Should you wish to have a copy for your club or yourself, you can download from 
you tube using third party providers such as Keepvid.com    


I hope you enjoy


John Parncutt


VMFG Melbourne 


From: aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net 
[mailto:aus-soaring-boun...@lists.internode.on.net] On Behalf Of Dave Donald
Sent: Thursday, 14 October 2010 9:33 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Jack Iggulden -the end of an era at age 94


Gliding Queensland has been working on collecting photo's, stories and 
memorabilia about gliding in Queensland recently. One of our members has been 
gifted a significant number of photos and stories and has digitised the 
material and put it up at: 

The collection is larger than just Queensland. As Macca and others have said, 
we fear losing this material if it is not captured in some way. This collection 
goes a way to ensuring that this type of material lives on forever. If anyone 
has any material they would like to display or anecdotes to share (and every 
club has some!) please forward it to me via Gliding Queensland. A big thanks to 
Max Howland for the material and congratulations to Kevin Rodda for putting it 
all together.





From: Gary Stevenson <gst...@dodo.com.au>
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
<aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net>; GFA Secretary <secret...@sec.gfa.org.au>; 
DARYL CONNELL <conne...@speedlink.com.au>; Brett <br...@planetlighting.com>; 
Dave Boulter <daveboul...@boulterassociates.com.au>; Dave Donald 
<icans...@y7mail.com>; STO Airworthiness <sto...@sec.gfa.org.au>; Gavin Wills 
<gwi...@glideomarama.com>; ann...@hwy.com.au
Sent: Wed, 13 October, 2010 10:50:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Jack Iggulden -the end of an era at age 94


As you only hint at, there is a huge amount of gliding history encapsulated in 
your few paragraphs, and I thank you for the information that you have provided 
- fascinating stuff! There is no doubt that the Igguldens contributed immensely 
to our sport in its formative days in Australia, and to my thinking it would be 
a very good idea for the GFA Board to devote considerable effort (and funds), 
to getting the Iggulden  story onto National Television, to the benefit of the 
gliding movement. A story like theirs is the very stuff that the ABC thrives 
on, so the idea should not be too difficult to sell! 


Daryl, are you and the Board up to the challenge? Jack's death provides a key - 
if you move NOW.


Ian, I can say that Jack was indeed a published author. I am certain that all 
his work is now long out of print. The only book of his that I read (many years 
ago), was his novel "The Clouded Sky". Although it was long ago, I recall that 
this was a very powerful work, that was at least the equal of the best work of 
the famed authors, Neville Shute Norway, and Hammond Innes.








----- Original Message ----- 

From: Ian Mc Phee <mailto:mrsoar...@gmail.com>  

To: Discussion of issues relating to 
<mailto:aus-soaring@lists.internode.on.net>  Soaring in Australia. ; GFA 
Secretary <mailto:secret...@sec.gfa.org.au>  ; DARYL CONNELL 
<mailto:conne...@speedlink.com.au>  ; Brett <mailto:br...@planetlighting.com>  
; Dave Boulter <mailto:daveboul...@boulterassociates.com.au>  ; Dave 
<mailto:icans...@y7mail.com>  Donald ; STO Airworthiness 
<mailto:sto...@sec.gfa.org.au>  ; Gavin Wills <mailto:gwi...@glideomarama.com>  
; ann...@hwy.com.au 

Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 9:56 AM

Subject: [Aus-soaring] Jack Iggulden -the end of an era at age 94


John (Jack) Iggulden died at Bellingen friday at the age 94. 


Jack was proud of the fact he was GFA #1 (think the first life member) and with 
his late brother Bill Iggulden (died 20+years ago) were responsible for the GFA 
manual of Standard Proceedures and the GFA instructors manual and while changes 
have occurred there is still a lot there from those Igguldens. They did a lot 
of negotiation with Sir Donald Anderson the then head of DCA on behalf of GFA.  
Their life was gliding.


His last flying in gliders was in his beloved ASK14 motorglider.  He owned it 
till about 3 years ago always thinking he would be able to fly again.  Mind was 
still OK buy body was failing.  Unfortunately last time I say him was Ben 
Iggulden's (his nephew Brett's son) wedding about 4 years ago (Tom Iggulden 
-another son of Brett-was married last weekend who we all see on ABC TV 
reporting from China most weeks)  The Igguldens and the Wills families from UK 
(Phillip and Justin in UK and Gavin in NZ) always had a close association and 
always there is still a special place for Lucy Wills in all our lives.(movie 
"Windborn" or better known as Lucy Learns to fly)    


My main times with the Iggulden's was at Keepit and Jack and Brett were like 
father and son.  Can always remember Jack landed K14 and said he want to 
Boggabri and when Brett landed his LS4 I told Brett about Jack going to 
Boggabri-  Then a a ding dong followed with Brett saying "You lying old bastard 
- you cut the turn point short"  Jack responded with "I could see what the 
marker was behind the silo"  To explain before camera verification in comps 
people would drive to the marker and put a L or X or T marker in close to tall 
silo and change every say 30min.  Pilots would have to write down a time and 
the marker to prove they turned the marker!!


Before being at Bellingen NSW the Igguldens came from Victoria where they did 
much of the early gliding around Tower Hill I seem to remember. There is old 
black and whit movie of Jack in a thermal then followed by a bit of a spin - no 
circuits those days!!!!!  Jack spent time in Jail over the Port Phillip Bay 
development and he supported the greenies in early days around Bellingen.  
There was also a ABC ABC TV program done on Igguldens in there early days at 
Bellingen and they added gliding to the end of the program .  If you go to 
dentist or before you go to sleep on operating table in hospital you may well 
see the label that says "PLANET LIGHTING BELLINGEN NSW " which is family 
company still going under Brett.


Jack had daughter Reberta?  (who also flew Libelle) and her children all did 
gliding at Keepit and do remember at least Graham Reece (Jack's grandson) did 
many solos. Jack's sister Grace died a few years ago and her husband Fred 
Hoinville wrote the book "halfway to heaven" (I think the book was written by 
Grace). There is something about the Olie "the Yellow witch"  Jack did make a 
tape recording at Keepit of his version of history of Aust gliding.  I think at 
some stage Edmund Schneider when he came to Australia lived under on of the 
Igguldens houses in Melbourne.  I do know Jack was also a writer and wrote 
several books.  He lived at "the Promisde Land" behing Bellingen.


Funeral is 11am (I think) Thursday in Bellingen area and think a number of 
gliding types will be there to see the old bugger off.


Ian McPhee


PS my history may be wrong and I stand to be corrected.


(Brett's number 0428268862)



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