Soon we can be "as-one" with your wind farms.....

On 4 March 2011 12:10, Jim Staniforth <> wrote:

>   (At home in California, airport KL94) Our small local pilot group has
> successfully stopped a housing development off the east end of the runways,
> heightening of a cell phone tower in the area of the usual turn from
> downwind to base for runway 09L, and a section of a wind farm with 500' high
> turbines about 1.5NM SE of the approach end of 27L, ground elevation about
> 200' above the runway. Our next challenge is a row of 500' high wind
> turbines proposed at about 1NM NE of the approach end of 27R. That would be
> a problem for the low, fast finishes we sometimes enjoy. AOPA and even the
> FAA will stand behind us again, and we'll win.
>   There are now 5500 to 6000 commercial wind turbines (from 100,000W to
> 2MW) within 20k of the field, which are fantastic wind and lift markers. Two
> or three rows of turbines can frequently indicate presence of a shear line
> or thermal. Many of us have ridge soared home along the turbines on the
> ridge. Coexistence is possible, but monitoring of development is a must.
>   The small towers to monitor the wind, erected either to map a new wind
> farm location or to sense gusts before they arrive at existing turbines, are
> seen in many places. The guy wires for the narrow towers are always marked
> with orange balls. FM radio antennas erected on hilltops are similarly
> constructed and marked.
>   I've seen more birds die from crashing into the living room window or
> patio door than into the wind turbine at home. Trucks, buses and trains seem
> to take their toll on birds, too. Is there a movement to ban them?
> Jim
> My house is nuclear powered, I just choose to keep the reactor a safe 93
> million miles away.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Mike Borgelt <>
> *To:*; Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in
> Australia. <>
> *Sent:* Thu, March 3, 2011 2:34:58 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Aus-soaring] proposed windfarms?
> At 07:44 AM 4/03/2011, you wrote:
> > The item below was in a recent BGA newsletter.
> > It details a hazard associated with proposed windfarms, and may also be
> relevant to Australia, if you fly in areas where windfarms are springing up.
> Eyes peeled?
> > >>
> > (N.B. In the U.K.)  "We understand that anemometer masts have been
> erected in a number of areas proposed for use as future windfarms. Others
> have been erected adjacent to but outside current windfarm boundaries. These
> masts are relatively thin, and can be difficult to pick out from the air.
> Being less than 300 feet high, they are not required to be lit, or marked on
> CAA charts, nor to be subject to NOTAM. Be vigilant in unfamiliar areas if
> you are less than 500ft above ground level."
> >
> If you check Avweb you'll see there was recent fatality due to one of these
> and the FAA is being asked why no action. I think it was an ag aircraft so
> had a reason for being there.
> Wonderful for ridge soaring gliders too.
> Ah the wonders of clean, green, safe energy! When the madness has run its
> course there should be one of the useless wind turbines erected near very
> capital city to remind the population of the dangers of irrationality. One
> blade should be folded back, stationary, with some simulated smoke
> blackening on the gearbox/generator. A nice hole in the ground next to it to
> remind people where their money went.
> Fortunately the worst of the wholesale visual pollution and danger to birds
> of these useless energy sinks will be able to be eliminated with a little
> plastique in short order, followed by the extensive network of pissant power
> lines necessary to collect the small amounts of energy they do generate when
> and if the wind happens to be blowing at the right speed. .
> "split atoms, not birds"
> Mike
> Borgelt Instruments - manufacturers of quality soaring instruments since
> 1978
> phone Int'l + 61 746 355784
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