> Even daily's like "The Australian" are mainly useful as fire lighters and pet 
> litter tray liners. Unfortunately glossy colour magazines don't seem to burn 
> well or be absorbent.

The glossies are better for use in post mortems to replace the
contents of the abdominal cavity just because they are not so

Apart from that…

One of the key benefits of on-line mags or those in PDF format is that
they are searchable and a great resource for future generations.
They're also very useful in generally upping an internet presence.

PDFs can be read by prospective pilots, non-members, overseas pilots
etc. to increase the Australian gliding visibility.

The question is, if the mag is free to us, why not publish it in
parallel on the GFA site or give us the option to take either version?
After all, it's only one click of a button in something like Indesign.

I read that one of the big advantages that Wikileaks had over the
Pentagon papers was the ability to make rapid searches for terms like
"Australia" and "CIA" as opposed to having to read reams of irrelevant

That being said, I prefer a paper magazines because they don't break
or get germy if you drop them on the dunny floor and my wife uses them
to put her glass of water on beside the bed.


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