On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 08:40:57AM +1100, ian mcphee wrote:

 > I think 50% radio problems could be fixed with new fuse,use
 > holder or circuit breaker, 16g quality wire, check SWR and replace
 > BNC or aerial if needbe, and use QUALITY charger with new dual
 > batteries. 

I think 100% of radio problems could be fixed by following the
manufacturer's installation instructions :)

 > I admit some radios are getting near their useby date~how many
 > electronic items do you have that are 20+ years old~not many I
 > suspect. 

The radio installation in the typical Cessna 152 is at least as
old as that, if not older;  and arguably installed into a more
hostile environment (vibration).  Yet it works well enough to
carry out conversations with ATC every day.

Not sure why a glider tug is different from that 152 in that
respect.  As Robert said, their radios tend to be pretty poor
too, yet they'd have been installed and maintained by the
same LAMEs that install and maintain the radios in the local
flying school's Cessnas.  Why the difference in standards?

  - mark
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