*So I *think* it's true that there's a widespread believe within GFA that
there's a rule which mandates a 50' obstacle clearance minimum, and I'm
trying to find out why :)*

If the rule called for somehting less than 50', say 5', there would be no
room left for pilots to break the rule!

*Kevin Roden*

On 15 October 2012 13:05, Mark Newton <new...@atdot.dotat.org> wrote:

> On 15/10/2012, at 13:12, Tim Shirley <tshir...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> > As a general comment, making mandatory rules for obstacle clearance for
> aircraft without a throttle lever seems a bit silly.
> Agreed! Nevertheless, my received training and my experiences at various
> gliding operations have lead me to believe that that's what someone
> actually did, and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it.
> For instance, at a comp where I listened to a CD giving a briefing to the
> assembled multitudes in the day before the competition finish OD, saying,
> "I'm a very poor judge of 50 feet, but I'm an excellent judge of safety."
> That CD clearly believed there was a 50' rule too, otherwise he'd not have
> worded his comment the way he did.
> So I *think* it's true that there's a widespread believe within GFA that
> there's a rule which mandates a 50' obstacle clearance minimum, and I'm
> trying to find out why :)
>    - mark
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