On 09/09/2013, at 10:47 PM, Gary Stevenson wrote:
Here are a couple of questions to ponder:
·         Does gliding need someone like Bernie?
·         Do you think that there are (any) parallels between top level gliding, and F1 motor racing as shaped by BE?

Looking in from the outside:
1. Terry Cubley is a driving force for Grand Prix which draws on such traditions. 2. There is a place for the next layer to evolve from the FAI Worlds traditions.
3. There is a CAMS-like national place for classes nationally.
4. There is a void available for the Targa style and type specific local events which circulate regionally/nationally. 5. And outside the format we now recognise as 'gliding', there are separate formats which cater to special interest groups who can't operate within the structures that we have for gliding; ie where the 'racing' is not compatible with limited handicap ranges, current taskings formats, etc. Vintage is an example - in South Australia the motoring world has 'Bay to Birdwood' now in both Vintage and Classic forms alternating even & odd years. At the other end of the spectrum Global Green Challenge as a totally different sector similarly not compatible with traditional racing. And so on. 6. There are inevitably street racers from Gone in 60 Secs to race track open days.

So 3 and 4 encapsulate 'the GFA' as we know it, 1 & 2 the Bernies of the gliding world, with some of the other categories being thought about, followed and prototyped by others with or without connection to the above.
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