“Merit-based selection”
False equivalences
#metoo denialism (ohnoes won’t someone think of the poor menfolk??)
“Virtue signalling”

Anyone else hit redpill bingo from this email alone?

On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 15:58, James Troy <james.t...@agilityapplications.com>

> Ive long been a member of Ausnog mailing list, I find the information that
> is often posted here to be quite valuable; I have also been watching this
> thread with a particular keen interest.
> Particularly as I was waiting to see how long the #MeToo and ‘gender
> diversity’ was going to get pushed.
> Firstly let me say, any assault, sexual or otherwise is not acceptable.
> Yes IT as an industry is over-represented by males; however to second you
> start to include someone in something like a board selection based solely
> on their genitalia is the second you loose any credibility. I wholy
> subscribe to the idea of the ‘best person for the job’
> If that means 25% of one gender and 75% of another then fine, they are all
> selected on their merits.
> Anything short of selection based on merits (ie: Gender) opens an entirely
> different can. Ie: is there someone of
> Asian/African/Australia/aboriginal/TSI background? No? wow wouldn’t that be
> racist?
> Suddenly people talk gender and its acceptable.
> I believe that IT, Along with many industries still has a long way to go
> to be fully inclusive of all participants, regardless of
> race/religion/gender/background – but selection based on gender,
> percentages, inclusion policies is _*not*_ the way to get the recognition
> that some hard-working people deserve. If I worked in a female dominated
> industry (teaching, midwifery, childcare, etc) I would want to be selected
> for something like this based on my work ethics, input, and recognition –
> not simply to be the token male.
> We as an industry – and as humans – should be there to support our
> colleagues when they get targeted and victimised, however I also agree that
> if an accusation is made, and reported to the ‘other company’ then it
> should also be accompanied with proof – too often we are seeing the #MeToo
> being used as a weapon to destroy people – predominately men – without a
> shread of proof.
> I do however agree that an ausnog post is not the correct forum for that
> proof and that is best handled between the direct parties – it was
> suggested at the CEO level – this protects the victim, the **Alleged** (I
> use this term deliberately as until it is proof we have due process –
> innocent until PROVEN guilty – same as the media reporting on items that
> are before the courts.) aggressor until a chain of evidence can be
> established and only then actioned upon.
> Im sure I will cop back-lash on this, virtue signalling and all…
> James Troy
> Senior Systems Administration
> *From:* AusNOG <ausnog-boun...@lists.ausnog.net> *On Behalf Of *dusty
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 3 October 2018 12:33 PM
> *To:* Matthew Young <m...@mattyoung.net.au>
> *Cc:* aus...@ausnog.net List <aus...@ausnog.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [AusNOG] Sexual harassment in our industry.
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 14:59, Matthew Young <m...@mattyoung.net.au> wrote:
> “While we're at it though, there needs to be female representation on the
> Ausnog board.”
> People should be appointed based on their merits, not based on their
> gender.
> Show me a man with a bias-free recruitment/selection process, and I’ll
> show you a deluded patriarchal fool.
> *From:* AusNOG [mailto:ausnog-boun...@lists.ausnog.net] *On Behalf Of *Paul
> Wilkins
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 2 October 2018 5:50 PM
> *To:* aus...@ausnog.net List <aus...@ausnog.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [AusNOG] Sexual harassment in our industry.
> "Seems you've never been to a meeting."
> The verity of this statement cannot be overexaggerated.
> Kind regards
> Paul Wilkins
> On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 17:42, Mark Smith <markzzzsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 16:50, Paul Wilkins <paulwilkins...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > The need for a Code of Conduct has been raised and it's a good point.
> >
> > While we're at it though, there needs to be female representation on the
> Ausnog board. I see where there's 5 directors been appointed, and they're
> all men. I'm wondering who is doing the appointing.
> >
> Seems you've never been to a meeting. That's covered in the closing
> session.
> > That they couldn't find a woman up to the required standard gives rise
> to an unfortunate impression of the board acting as a boy's club.
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > Paul Wilkins
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 16:10, David Hughes <da...@hughes.com.au> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> We thank Bevan for raising this important issue and bringing it to our
> attention.
> >>
> >> This is a complex situation and we take any allegation of this nature
> very seriously.  We hope to discuss this further with those concerned in an
> attempt to establish specifics, while maintaining the confidentiality of
> all parties.  If there are any actionable details we will offer assistance
> to the party involved if they wish to escalate the matter further.
> >>
> >> Even though issues regarding the behaviour of delegates at our events
> have never been raised with us, we want our attendees to feel safe and
> supported.  We have commenced a review of policies and processes from other
> organisations and will work with our solicitors to draft a policy suitable
> for AusNOG events and mailing lists.
> >>
> >> The organisers of AusNOG believe that behaviour of this nature is not
> acceptable at any conference, function, or workplace in our industry.  We
> will attempt to engage the leaders of our industry to push for a broader
> solution.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> David - on behalf of the AusNOG Board
> >> ...
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> AusNOG mailing list
> >> AusNOG@lists.ausnog.net
> >> http://lists.ausnog.net/mailman/listinfo/ausnog
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > AusNOG mailing list
> > AusNOG@lists.ausnog.net
> > http://lists.ausnog.net/mailman/listinfo/ausnog
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