Dne 2.5.2016 v 21:06 Ademar Reis napsal(a):
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 09:31:56AM +0200, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>> Dne 28.4.2016 v 22:28 Cleber Rosa napsal(a):
> Hi.
> I'll respond on this thread, bringing some of my comments from
> the other reply. I would like Cleber to do the same there, so
> hopefully we can converge on a few ideas before a v5.
Hi, thanks, I was about to write v5, early feedback could help shaping it.

>>> On 04/28/2016 12:10 PM, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>>>> Hello again,
>>>> This version removes the rejected variants and hopefully clarifies all
>>>> the goals needed for multi-stream (and also multi-host) tests available.
>>>> Changes:
>>>>     v2: Rewritten from scratch
>>>>     v2: Added examples for the demonstration to avoid confusion
>>>>     v2: Removed the mht format (which was there to demonstrate manual
>>>>         execution)
>>>>     v2: Added 2 solutions for multi-tests
>>>>     v2: Described ways to support synchronization
>>>>     v3: Renamed to multi-stream as it befits the purpose
>>>>     v3: Improved introduction
>>>>     v3: Workers are renamed to streams
>>>>     v3: Added example which uses library, instead of new test
>>>>     v3: Multi-test renamed to nested tests
>>>>     v3: Added section regarding Job API RFC
>>>>     v3: Better description of the Synchronization section
>>>>     v3: Improved conclusion
>>>>     v3: Removed the "Internal API" section (it was a transition between
>>>>         no support and "nested test API", not a "real" solution)
>>>>     v3: Using per-test granularity in nested tests (requires plugins
>>>>         refactor from Job API, but allows greater flexibility)
>>>>     v4: Removed "Standard python libraries" section (rejected)
>>>>     v4: Removed "API backed by cmdline" (rejected)
>>>>     v4: Simplified "Synchronization" section (only describes the
>>>>         purpose)
>>>>     v4: Refined all sections
>>>>     v4: Improved the complex example and added comments
>>>>     v4: Formulated the problem of multiple tasks in one stream
>>>>     v4: Rejected the idea of bounding it inside MultiTest class
>>>>         inherited from avocado.Test, using a library-only approach
>>>> The problem
>>>> ===========
>>>> Allow tests to have some if its block of code run in separate stream(s).
>>>> We'll discuss the range of "block of code" further in the text as well
>>>> as what the streams stands for.
>>>> One example could be a user, who wants to run netperf on 2 machines,
>>>> which requires following manual steps:
>>>>     stream1: netserver -D
>>>>     stream1: # Wait till netserver is initialized
>>>>     stream2: netperf -H $machine1 -l 60
>>>>     stream2: # Wait till it finishes and report the results
>>>>     stream1: # stop the netserver and report possible failures
>>>> the test would have to contain the code for both, stream1 and stream2
>>>> and it executes them in two separate streams, which might or not be
>>>> executed on the same machine.
>>> Right, this clearly shows that the use case is "user wants to write/run
>>> a test", which is right on Avocado's business.  Then, "by the way", he
>>> wants to leverage netperf for that, which fine (but not directly related
>>> to this proposal).  Oh, and BTW (again), test requires a part of it to
>>> be run on a different place.  Checks all necessary boxes IMO.
> Agree. It's a very good example.
> I think NetPerf and a QEMU Migration Test would be two reference
> implementations for multi-stream tests.
>>>> Some other examples might be:
>>>> 1. A simple stress routine being executed in parallel (the same or
>>>> different hosts)
>>>>    * utilize a service under testing from multiple hosts (stress test)
>>> The "test requires a part of it to be run a different place" requirement
>>> again. Fine.
>>>> 2. Several code blocks being combined into a complex scenario(s)
>>>>    * netperf + other test
>>>>    * multi-host QEMU migration
>>>>    * migrate while changing interfaces and running cpu stress
>>> Yep, sounds like the very same requirement, just more imaginative
>>> combinations.
>>>> 3. Running the same test along with stress test in background
>>>>    * cpu stress test + cpu hotplug test
>>>>    * memory stress test + migration
>>> Here, "a different place" is "the same place", but it's still seen as a
>>> separate execution stream.  The big difference is that you mention "test
>>> x" + "test y".  I know what's coming, but it gives it away that we're
>>> possibly talking about having "blocks of code" made out of other tests.
>>> IMO, it sounds good.
> I also think these examples deserve some extra words. Please
> explain the use-cases and the motivation for them. Saying they're
> real world examples from avocado-vt will also help.
OK, I'll try to add few bits.

>>>> Solution
>>>> ========
>>>> Stream
>>>> ------
>>>> From the introduction you can see that "Stream" stands for a "Worker"
>>>> which allows to execute the code in parallel to the main test routine
>>>> and the main test routine can offload tasks to it. The primary
>>>> requirement is to allow this execution on the same as well on a
>>>> different machine.
>>> Is a "Worker" a proper entity?  In status parity with a "Stream"?  Or is
>>> it a synonym for "Worker"?
>>> Or maybe you meant that "Stream stands for a worker" (lowercase)?
>> yep, should be the lowercase.
>>>> Block of code
>>>> -------------
>>>> Throughout the first 3 versions we discussed what the "block of code"
>>>> should be. The result is a avocado.Test compatible class, which follows
>>>> the same workflow as normal test and reports the results back to the
>>>> stream. It is not the smallest piece of code that could be theoretically
>>>> executed (think of functions), but it has many benefits:
>>>> 1. Well known structure including information in case of failure
>>>> 2. Allows simple development of components (in form of tests)
>>>> 3. Allows to re-use existing tests and combine them into complex
>>>>    scenarios
>>>> Note: Smaller pieces of code can be still executed in parallel without
>>>> the framework support using standard python libraries (multiprocessing,
>>>> threading). This RFC is focusing on simplifying the development of
>>>> complex cases, where test as a minimal block of code fits quite well.
>>> Sounds good.
> Like I said in my other reply, even though here we have a more
> abstract definition of what the "block of code" would be,
> everything else in the RFC we still see "tests" as actual
> references to it: "resolving the tests", "tests inside a stream",
> "combine tests".
> Cleber, are we in sync here? (just to make sure your "sounds
> good" doesn't get misinterpreted)
I can try modifying all wording, but in the end they need to be
test-like classes and they must follow the same runner, otherwise I
would not be able to use the API. Without it it's yet another
`multiprocessing` library which won't help with debugging of possible

So I hope this is clear, Cleber, Ademar, (others), is this acceptable?
If not, then I'd like to ask for a counter-proposal, because I don't see
a suitable alternative.

>>>> Resolving the tests
>>>> -------------------
>>>> String
>>>> ~~~~~~
>>>> As mentioned earlier, the `stream` should be able to handle
>>>> avocado.Test-like classes, which means the test needs to find one.
>>>> Luckily, avocado already has such feature as part of internal API. I'd
>>>> like to use it by passing string `test reference` to the stream, which
>>>> should resolve it and execute.
>>> Just to make it even more clear, this could also be (re-)written as:
>>> "... which means the test needs to unambiguously identify his block of
>>> code, which also happens to be a valid avocado.Test."
>>> Right?
>>> By setting the reference to be evaluated by the stream, IMHO, you add
>>> responsibilities to the stream.  How will be behave on the various error
>>> scenarios?  Internally, the stream will most likely use the
>>> loader/resolver, but then it would need to communicate the
>>> loader/resolver status/exceptions back to the test.  Looks like this
>>> could be better layered.
>> I think it'd be convenient. For me the `stream.run_bg` means: Hey,
>> stream, please add this task and report when it's scheduled and it
>> should report the id (index) to identify it's results later.
>> The `stream.run_fg` means: Hey, stream, please run this and report when
>> it's done. So it's simply reports invalid test when it fails to resolve it.
> Like I've also said in the other e-mail, I believe using tests as
> the abstraction for what is run in a stream/worker is
> fundamentally wrong, because it breaks the abstractions of Job
> and Test. You're basically introducing sub-tests, or even
> "sub-jobs" here (more about it later).
This was rejected and would not be part of v5 (I'll use only Resolver
and Local references)

>>>> Resolver
>>>> ~~~~~~~~
>>>> Some users might prefer tweaking the resolver. This is currently not
>>>> supported, but is part of the "JobAPI RFC". Once it's developed, we
>>>> should be able to benefit from it and use it to resolve the `test
>>>> references` to test-like definitions and pass it over to the stream.
>>> What do you mean by "tweaking"?  I don't think developers of a
>>> multi-stream test would tweak a resolver.
> +1.
>> Eg. to pick just a specific loader plugin, or to change the order...
> That's Job API.
>>> Now, let's look at: "... use it to resolve the `test references` to
>>> test-like definitions ...".  There's something slipping there, and
>>> lacking a more clear definition.
>>> You probably mean: ".. use it to resolve the `test references` to "code
>>> blocks" that would be passed to the stream.".  Although I don't support
>>> defining the result of the resolver as a "code block", the important
>>> thing here is to define that a resolver API can either return the
>>> `<class user_module.UserTest>` "Python reference/pointer" or some other
>>> opaque structure that is well understood as being a valid and
>>> unambiguous reference to a "code block".
>>> I see the result of a "resolve()" call returning something that packs
>>> more information besides the `<class user_module.UserTest>` "pointer".
>>> Right now, the closest we have to this are the "test factories".
> +1
>> Yes, it's not returning the code directly, but test factory which can be
>> executed by the stream's runner. But IMO this is too detailed for RFC so
>> I used the "test-like definitions" (not tests, nor instances). I can use
>> the "opaque structure that is well understood as being a valid and
>> unambiguous reference" to make it clearer.
>>>> Local reference
>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>> Last but not least, some users might prefer keeping the code in one
>>>> file. This is currently also not possible as the in-stream-test-class
>>>> would either be also resolved as a main test or they would not be
>>>> resolved by the stream.
>>>> We faced a similar problem with the deep inheritance and we solved it by
>>>> a docstring tag:
>>>>     class MyTest(Test):
>>>>         '''
>>>>         Some description
>>>>         :avocado: disable
>>>>         '''
>>>>         def test(self):
>>>>             pass
>>>> which tells the resolver to avoid this class. We can expand it and use
>>>> for example "strict" to only be executed when the full path
>>>> ($FILE:$TEST.$METHOD) is used. This way we could put all the parts in a
>>>> single file and reference the tasks by a full path.
>>>> Alternatively we could introduce another class
>>>>     class Worker(avocado.Test):
>>>>         pass
>>>> and the file loader would detect it and only yield it when full path is
>>>> provided (similarly to SimpleTest class).
>>> If the loader acknowledges those nested classes as valid `avocado.Test`,
>>> then the resolver can certainly return information about them in the
>>> analog to our current "test factories".  This way, the internal (same
>>> file) referencing could indeed be cleanly implemented.
>> Yes, that's my plan.
>>>> Synchronization
>>>> ---------------
>>>> Some tests do not need any synchronization, users just need to run them.
>>>> But some multi-stream tests needs to be precisely synchronized or they
>>>> need to exchange data.
>>>> For synchronization purposes usually "barriers" are used, where barrier
>>>> guards the entry into a section identified by "name" and "number of
>>>> clients". All parties asking an entry into the section will be delayed
>>>> until the "number of clients" reach the section (or timeout). Then they
>>>> are resumed and can entry the section. Any failure while waiting for a
>>>> barrier propagates to other waiting parties.
>>>> One way is to use existing python libraries, but they usually require
>>>> some boilerplate code around. One of the tasks on the multi-stream tests
>>>> should be to implement basic barrier interface, which would be
>>>> initialized in `avocado.Streams` and details should be propagated to the
>>>> parts executed inside streams.
>>>> The way I see this is to implement simple tcp-based protocol (to allow
>>>> manual debug) and pass the details to tests inside streams via params.
>>>> So `avocado.Streams` init would start the daemon and one would connect
>>>> to it from the test by:
>>>>     from avocado.plugins.sync import Sync
>>>>     # Connect the sync server on address stored in params
>>>>     # which could be injected by the multi-stream test
>>>>     # or set manually.
>>>>     sync = Sync(self, params.get("sync_server", "/plugins/sync_server"))
>>>>     # wait until 2 tests ask to enter "setup" barrier (60s timeout)
>>>>     sync.barrier("setup", 2, 60)
>>> OK, so the execution streams can react to "test wide" synchronization
>>> parameters.  I don't see anything wrong with that at this point.
>> I thought about a way to solve this and I don't want to add yet another
>> argument. As we have a complex and theoretically abstract params system
>> (tags, not paths) we might use to pass this information.
>>>> The new protocol is quite necessary as we need support for re-connection
>>>> and other tweaks which are not supported by multiprocessing library.
>>>> Very simple example
>>>> -------------------
>>>> This example demonstrates a test, which tries to access "example.org"
>>>> concurrently from N machines without any synchronization.
>>>>     import avocado
>>>>     class WgetExample(avocado.Test):
>>>>         def setUp(self):
>>>>             # Initialize streams
>>>>             self.streams = avocado.Streams(self)
>>>>             for machine in machines:
>>>>                 # Add one stream per machine, create the connection
>>>>                 # and prepare for execution.
>>>>                 self.streams.add_stream(machine)
>>>>         def test(self)
>>>>             for stream in self.streams:
>>>>                 # Resolve the "/usr..." into
>>>>                 # SimpleTest("/usr/bin/wget example.org") and
>>>>                 # schedule the execution inside the current stream
>>>>                 stream.run_bg("/usr/bin/wget example.org")
>>>>             # Wait till both streams finish all tasks and fail the test
>>>>             # in case any of them fails.
>>>>             self.streams.wait(ignore_errors=False)
>>>> where the `avocado.Stream` represents a worker (local or remote) which
>>>> allows running avocado tests in it (foreground or background). This
>>>> should provide enough flexibility to combine existing tests in complex
>>>> tests.
>>> Of course questions such as "where to machines com from?" would arise,
>>> but I understand the possibilities.  My only very strong opinion here is
>>> to not link the resolution and execution on the primary APIs.  Maybe a
>>> `resolve_and_run()` utility could exist, but I'm not entirely convinced.
>>>  I really see the two things (resolution and execution) as two different
>>> layers.
> +1.
>> As mentioned earlier, I'd like to support both. If you pass a string, it
>> should resolve it. If you pass an output of resolver, which IIRC is part
>> of the Job API RFC, then it should use it. Eventually you could say it's
>> this file's class (Ademar's proposal) and the stream should be able to
>> identify it and produce the necessary template.
> -1 to the idea of supporting both.
Yep, rejected, won't be there.

>>>> Advanced example
>>>> ----------------
>>>> MultiNetperf.py:
>>>>     class MultiNetperf(avocado.NestedTest):
>>>>         def setUp(self):
>>>>             # Initialize streams (start sync server, ...)
>>>>             self.streams = avocado.Streams(self)
>>>>             machines = ["localhost", ""]
>>>>             for machine in machines:
>>>>                 # Add one stream per machine
>>>>                 self.streams.add_stream(machine)
>>>>         def test(self):
>>>>             # Ask the first stream to resolve "NetServer", pass the {}
>>>>             # params to it (together with sync-server url),
>>>>             # schedule the job in stream and return to main thread
>>>>             # while the stream executes the code.
>>>>             self.streams[0].run_bg("NetServer",
>>>>                                    {"no_clients": len(self.streams)})
>>>>             for stream in self.streams[1:]:
>>>>                 # Resolve "NetPerf", pass the {} params to it,
>>>>                 # schedule the job in stream and return to main
>>>>                 # thread while the stream executes the code
>>>>                 stream.run_bg("NetPerf",
>>>>                               {"no_clients": len(self.workers),
>>>>                                "server_ip": machines[0]})
>>>>             # Wait for all streams to finish all scheduled tasks
>>>>             self.streams.wait(ignore_failures=False)
>>> You lost me here with `avocado.NestedTest`...
>> copy&paste, I'm sorry (I changed it back to library, but forgot to
>> update the class).
>>>> NetServer.py:
>>>>     class NetServer(avocado.NestedTest):
>>>>         def setUp(self):
>>>>             # Initialize sync client
>>>>             self.sync = avocado.Sync(self)
>>>>             process.run("netserver")
>>>>             # Contact sync server (url was passed in `stream.run_bg`)
>>>>             # and ask to enter "setup" barrier with "no_clients"
>>>>             # clients
>>>>             self.sync.barrier("setup", self.params.get("no_clients"))
>>>>         def test(self):
>>>>             pass
>>>>         def tearDown(self):
>>>>             self.sync.barrier("finished", self.params.get("no_clients"))
>>>>             process.run("killall netserver")
>>>> NetPerf:
>>>>     class NetPerf(avocado.NestedTest):
>>>>         def setUp(self):
>>>>             # Initialize sync client
>>>>             self.sync = avocado.Sync(self)
>>>>             process.run("netserver")
>>>>             # Contact sync server (url was passed in `stream.run_bg`)
>>>>             # and ask to enter "setup" barrier with "no_clients"
>>>>             # clients
>>>>             self.sync.barrier("setup", self.params.get("no_clients"))
>>>>         def test(self):
>>>>             process.run("netperf -H %s -l 60"
>>>>                         % params.get("server_ip"))
>>>>             barrier("finished", params.get("no_clients"))
>>>> Possible implementation
>>>> -----------------------
>>>> _Previously: API backed by internal API_
>>>> One way to drive this is to use existing internal API and create a layer
>>>> in between, which invokes runner (local/remote based on the stream
>>>> machine) to execute the code on `stream.run_bg` calls.
>>>> This means the internal API would stay internal and (roughly) the same,
>>>> but we'd develop a class to invoke the internal API. This class would
>>>> have to be public and supported.
>>>> + runs native python
>>>> + easy interaction and development
>>>> + easily extensible by either using internal API (and risk changes) or
>>>> by inheriting and extending the features.
>>>> - lots of internal API will be involved, thus with almost every change
>>>> of internal API we'd have to adjust this code to keep the NestedTest
>>>> working
>>>> - fabric/paramiko is not thread/parallel process safe and fails badly so
>>>> first we'd have to rewrite our remote execution code (use autotest's
>>>> worker, or aexpect+ssh)
>>>> Queue vs. signle task
>>>> ---------------------
>>>> Up to this point I always talked about stream as an entity, which drives
>>>> the execution of "a code block". A big question is, whether it should
>>>> behave like a queue, or only a single task:
>>>> queue - allows scheduling several tasks and reports list of results
>>>> single task - stream would only accept one task and produce one result
>>>> I'd prefer the queue-like approach as it's more natural to me to first
>>>> prepare streams and then keep adding tasks until all my work is done and
>>>> I'd expect per-stream results to be bounded together, so I can know what
>>>> happened. This means I could run `stream.run_bg(first);
>>>> stream.run_bg(second); stream.run_fg(third); stream.run_bg(fourth)` and
>>>> the stream should start task "first", queue task "second", queue task
>>>> "third", wait for it to finish and report "third" results. Then it
>>>> should resume the main thread and queue the "fourth" task (FIFO queue).
>>>> Each stream should then allow to query for all results (list of
>>>> json-results) as well as it should create a directory inside results and
>>>> per-task sub-directory with task results.
>>> I do see that the "queue" approach is more powerful, and I would love
>>> having something like that for my own use.  But (there's always a but),
>>> to decide on that approach we also have to consider:
>>> * Increased complexity
>>> * Increased development cost
>>> * Passing the wrong message to users, that could look at this as a way
>>> to, say, build conditional executions on the same stream and have now a
>>> bunch of "micro" code blocks
>>> These are the questions that come to my mind, and they all be dismissed
>>> as discussion progresses.  I'm just playing devil's advocate at this point.
>> Yes, I know. On the other hand it's convenient to bundle tasks executed
>> on one machine/stream together.
>> An idea to allow this in the "single task" scenario came to my mind, we
>> might allow a stream prefixes to identify the code intended to be bound
>> together, so the results would be (again, I'm not talking about the
>> queue-like approach, but only single tasks per stream scenario):
>> 02-server-NetServer
>> 03-client1-NetPerf.big
>> 04-client2-NetPerf.big
>> 05-client1-NetPerf.small
>> ...
>> This would help me debug the results and as it'd be optional it should
>> not confuse people at first.
>> Also I think the order tasks were executed in is more important, so that
>> should be the first argument.
>>>> On the other hand the "single task" should always establish the new
>>>> connection and create separate results per-each task added. This means
>>>> preparing the streams is not needed as each added task is executed
>>>> inside a different stream. So the interface could be
>>>> `self.streams.run_bg(where, what, details)` and it should report the
>>>> task id or task results in case of `run_fg`. The big question is what
>>>> should happen when a task resolves in multiple tasks (eg: `gdbtest`).
>>> That's why the "block of code" reference should be unambiguous.  No
>>> special situation to deal with.  It'd be a major confusion to have more
>>> than one "block of code" executed unintentionally.
> +1.
>>>> Should it fail or create streams per each task? What should it report,
>>>> then? I can imagine a function `run_all_{fg,bg}` which would create a
>>>> stream for each worker and return list of id/results in case the writer
>>>> is not sure (or knows) that the test reference resolves into several
>>>> tasks.
>>> Let's try to favor simpler interfaces, which would not introduce this
>>> number o special scenarios.
> +1.
>>>> See more details in the next chapter
>>>> Results directory
>>>> -----------------
>>>> This demonstrates the results for a modified "MultiNetperf" test. The
>>>> difference is that it runs 2 variants of netperf:
>>>> * Netperf.bigbuf    # netperf using big buffers
>>>> * Netperf.smallbuf  # netperf using small buffers
>>>> Queue-like approach:
>>>>     job-2016-04-15T.../
>>>>     ├── id
>>>>     ├── job.log
>>>>     └── test-results
>>>>         └── 1-MultiNetperf
>>>>             ├── debug.log
>>>>             ├── stream1       # one could provide custom name/host
>>>>             │   ├── 1-Netperf.bigbuf
>>>>             │   │   ├── debug.log
>>>>             │   │   └── whiteboard
>>>>             │   └── 2-Netperf.smallbuf
>>>>             │       ├── debug.log
>>>>             │       └── whiteboard
>>>>             ├── stream2
>>>>             │   └── 1-NetServer
>>>>             │       ├── debug.log
>>>>             │       └── whiteboard
>>>>             └── whiteboard
>>>> Single task approach:
>>>>     job-2016-04-16T.../
>>>>     ├── id
>>>>     ├── job.log
>>>>     └── test-results
>>>>         └── 1-MultiNetperf
>>>>             ├── debug.log
>>>>             ├── whiteboard
>>>>             ├── 1-Netperf.bigbuf
>>>>             │   ├── debug.log
>>>>             │   └── whiteboard
>>>>             ├── 2-Netperf.smallbuf
>>>>             │   ├── debug.log
>>>>             │   └── whiteboard
>>>>             └── 3-Netperf.smallbuf
>>>>                 ├── debug.log
>>>>                 └── whiteboard
>>>> The difference is that queue-like approach bundles the result
>>>> per-worker, which could be useful when using multiple machines.
>>>> The single-task approach makes it easier to follow how the execution
>>>> went, but one needs to see the log to see on which machine was the task
>>>> executed.
>>> The logs can indeed be useful.  And the choices about single .vs. queue
>>> wouldn't really depend on this... this is, quite obviously the *result*
>>> of that choice.
> Agree.
>>>> Job API RFC
>>>> ===========
>>>> Recently introduced Job API RFC covers very similar topic as "nested
>>>> test", but it's not the same. The Job API is enabling users to modify
>>>> the job execution, eventually even write a runner which would suit them
>>>> to run groups of tests. On the contrary this RFC covers a way to combine
>>>> code-blocks/tests to reuse them into a single test. In a hackish way,
>>>> they can supplement each others, but the purpose is different.
>>> "nested", without a previous definition, really confuses me.  Other than
>>> that, ACK.
>> copy&past, thanks.
>>>> One of the most obvious differences is, that a failed "nested" test can
>>>> be intentional (eg. reusing the NetPerf test to check if unreachable
>>>> machines can talk to each other), while in Job API it's always a failure.
>>> It may just be me, but I fail to see how this is one obvious difference.
>> Because Job API is here to allow one to create jobs, not to modify the
>> results. If the test fails, the job should fail. At least that's my
>> understanding.
> That's basically the only difference between the Job API and this
> proposal. And I don't think that's good (more below).
>>>> I hope you see the pattern. They are similar, but on a different layer.
>>>> Internally, though, they can share some pieces like execution the
>>>> individual tests concurrently with different params/plugins
>>>> (locally/remotely). All the needed plugin modifications would also be
>>>> useful for both of these RFCs.
>>> The layers involved, and the proposed usage, should be the obvious
>>> differences.  If they're not cleanly seen, we're doing something wrong.
> +1.
>> I'm not sure what you're proposing here. I put the section here to
>> clarify Job API is a different story, while they share some bits
>> (internally and could be abused to do the same)
> I think the point is that you're actually proposing nested-tests,
> or sub-tests and those concepts break the abstraction and do not
> belong here. Make the definitions and proposals abstract engough
> and with clear and limited APIs, and there's no need for a
> section to explain that this is different from the Job API.
I wanted to clarify the difference as both are being discussed at the
same time, anyway it's clear now, so I can remove this section and examples.

>>>> Some examples:
>>>> User1 wants to run "compile_kernel" test on a machine followed by
>>>> "install_compiled_kernel passtest failtest warntest" on "machine1
>>>> machine2". They depend on the status of the previous test, but they
>>>> don't create a scenario. So the user should use Job API (or execute 3
>>>> jobs manually).
>>>> User2 wants to create migration test, which starts migration from
>>>> machine1 and receives the migration on machine2. It requires cooperation
>>>> and together it creates one complex usecase so the user should use
>>>> multi-stream test.
>>> OK.
>> So I should probably skip the introduction and use only the
>> examples :-)
>>>> Conclusion
>>>> ==========
>>>> This RFC proposes to add a simple API to allow triggering
>>>> avocado.Test-like instances on local or remote machine. The main point
>>>> is it should allow very simple code-reuse and modular test development.
>>>> I believe it'll be easier, than having users to handle the
>>>> multiprocessing library, which might allow similar features, but with a
>>>> lot of boilerplate code and even more code to handle possible exceptions.
>>>> This concept also plays nicely with the Job API RFC, it could utilize
>>>> most of tasks needed for it and together they should allow amazing
>>>> flexibility with known and similar structure (therefor easy to learn).
>>> Thanks for the much cleaner v4!  I see that consensus and a common view
>>> is now approaching.
>> Now the big question is, do we want queue-like or single-task interface?
>> They are quite different. The single-task interface actually does not
>> require any streams generation. It could just be the stream object and
>> you could say hey, stream, run this for me on this guest and return ID
>> so I can query for status later. Hey stream, please run also this and
>> report when it's finished. Oh stream, did the first task already finish?
> The queue-like interface is probably the concept I'm more
> strongly against in your RFC, so I would love to see it removed
> from the proposal.
I wasn't happy about it either, my motivation was strictly to bound all
tasks offloaded to one machine together, which is convenient. Anyway I'd
like to pursuit the version I introduced in Cleber's response; one task
per stream, results are indexed and contain the stream name + task name:


> I wrote a lot more in my other reply. I hope Cleber can respond
> there and we can converge on a few topics before v5.
> Thanks.
>    - Ademar
Thanks to you,


>> So the interface would be actually simpler and if we add the optional
>> "stream tag" (viz my response in Queue vs. single task section), I'd be
>> perfectly fine with it. Note that we could also just use the hostname/ip
>> as the stream tag, but sometimes it might be better to allow to override
>> it (eg. when running everything on localhost, one might use "stress"
>> stream and "test" stream).
>> After thinking of it a bit more I'm probably more inclined to the
>> single-task execution with optional tag. The interface would be:
>>     streams = avocado.Streams(self)
>>     tid = streams.run_bg(task, **kwargs)
>>     results = streams.run_fg(task, **kwargs)
>>     results = streams.wait(tid)
>>     streams.wait()
>> where the **kwargs might contain:
>>     host -> to run the task remotely
>>     stream_tag -> prefix for logs and results dir
>> the remaining arguments would be combined with test-class arguments, so
>> one could add `params={"foo": "bar"}`. This would not be needed in case
>> the user first resolves the test, but it'd be super-convenient for
>> simpler use cases. The alternative to params parsing could be:
>>     task = resolver.resolve(task)
>>     task[1]["params"].update(my_params)
>>     tid = streams.run_bg(task)
>> Anyway if we implement the resolver quickly, we might just skip the
>> implicit resolver (so require the additional 1-2 steps and avoid the
>> **kwargs).

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