Hey Lukáš, what I meant by a DAG of dependencies is that  tests in the
chain may depend on the output of a previous test to execute a subsequent
test, to borrow from the cloud provisioning example you'd outlined

Test Cloud Provision

SubTest1- Provision a cloud service
SubTest2- Run a configuration check

At this point there may be several paths to go by depending on the results
of the test, for example

SubTest4.1- Stress CPU
SubTest4.2- Stress Storage

I definitely like the idea, just wondering how it will handle relationship
definitions between independent tests



On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Lukáš Doktor <ldok...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello Vincent,
> could you please provide an example? I'm not sure I understand your
> concern. The beauty of nested tests is the simplicity. Basically the main
> test just triggers the test(s) and waits for them to finish. Then it can
> decide what to do with the results (bail out, ignore, include in results,
> trigger another test(s), ...).
> For complex tasks (like the advanced example) synchronization mechanisms
> would have to be used for example inside the `Setup a fake network` test to
> wait till all the tests finish and then post-process/stop the fake network.
> Obviously there is nothing what should prevent nested tests to invoke
> another nested tests, but then the situation is the same. They act as
> nested-main test for the nested-nested tests and when the nested-nested
> tests finish it reports the single result and the main test retrieves just
> the single result and it could decide what to do next.
> All of those together should allow great flexibility and
> understandable/predictable results.
> Regards,
> Lukáš
> Dne 25.5.2016 v 07:40 Vincent Matossian napsal(a):
>> Hi Lukáš,
>> I often come up with the need to orchestrate test units, so your note is
>> quite interesting to me. I wonder about the high-level workflow that
>> weaves through those nested tests, these can end up being quite complex,
>> and it seems that having a way to describe what to do at every step
>> would need to be done as part of the description of the relationships
>> between nested tests.
>> The examples you showed had a fairly linear/serial relationship, do you
>> consider cases that are better described as directed acyclic graphs?
>> In the end it's a tradeoff between what capabilities to push in the core
>> test framework vs what remains strictly in the body of the test up to
>> the test writer to implement.
>> Thanks
>> -
>> Vincent
>> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 7:53 AM, Lukáš Doktor <ldok...@redhat.com
>> <mailto:ldok...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>>     Hello guys,
>>     this version returns to roots and tries to define clearly the single
>>     solution I find teasing for multi-host and other complex tests.
>>     Changes:
>>         v2: Rewritten from scratch
>>         v2: Added examples for the demonstration to avoid confusion
>>         v2: Removed the mht format (which was there to demonstrate manual
>>             execution)
>>         v2: Added 2 solutions for multi-tests
>>         v2: Described ways to support synchronization
>>         v3: Renamed to multi-stream as it befits the purpose
>>         v3: Improved introduction
>>         v3: Workers are renamed to streams
>>         v3: Added example which uses library, instead of new test
>>         v3: Multi-test renamed to nested tests
>>         v3: Added section regarding Job API RFC
>>         v3: Better description of the Synchronization section
>>         v3: Improved conclusion
>>         v3: Removed the "Internal API" section (it was a transition
>> between
>>             no support and "nested test API", not a "real" solution)
>>         v3: Using per-test granularity in nested tests (requires plugins
>>             refactor from Job API, but allows greater flexibility)
>>         v4: Removed "Standard python libraries" section (rejected)
>>         v4: Removed "API backed by cmdline" (rejected)
>>         v4: Simplified "Synchronization" section (only describes the
>>             purpose)
>>         v4: Refined all sections
>>         v4: Improved the complex example and added comments
>>         v4: Formulated the problem of multiple tasks in one stream
>>         v4: Rejected the idea of bounding it inside MultiTest class
>>             inherited from avocado.Test, using a library-only approach
>>         v5: Avoid mapping ideas to multi-stream definition and clearly
>>             define the idea I bear in my head for test building blocks
>>             called nested tests.
>>     Motivation
>>     ==========
>>     Allow building complex tests out of existing tests producing a
>>     single result depending on the complex test's requirements.
>>     Important thing is, that the complex test might run those tests on
>>     the same, but also on a different machine allowing simple
>>     development of multi-host tests. Note that the existing tests should
>>     stay (mostly) unchanged and executable as simple scenarios, or
>>     invoked by those complex tests.
>>     Examples of what could be implemented using this feature:
>>     1. Adding background (stress) tasks to existing test producing
>>     real-world scenarios.
>>        * cpu stress test + cpu hotplug test
>>        * memory stress test + migration
>>        * network+cpu+memory test on host, memory test on guest while
>>          running migration
>>        * running several migration tests (of the same and different type)
>>     2. Multi-host tests implemented by splitting them into components
>>     and leveraging them from the main test.
>>        * multi-host migration
>>        * stressing a service from different machines
>>     Nested tests
>>     ============
>>     Test
>>     ----
>>     A test is a receipt explaining prerequisites, steps to check how the
>>     unit under testing behaves and cleanup after successful or
>>     unsuccessful execution.
>>     Test itself contains lots of neat features to simplify logging,
>>     results analysis and error handling evolved to simplify testing.
>>     Test runner
>>     -----------
>>     Is responsible for driving the test(s) execution, which includes the
>>     standard test workflow (setUp/test/tearDown), handle plugin hooks
>>     (results/pre/post) as well as safe interruption.
>>     Nested test
>>     -----------
>>     Is a test invoked by other test. It can either be executed in
>>     foreground (while the main test is waiting) or in background along
>>     with the main (and other background tests) test. It should follow
>>     the default test workflow (setUp/test/tearDown), it should keep all
>>     the neat test feature like logging and error handling and the
>>     results should also go into the main test's output, with the nested
>>     test's id  as prefix. All the produced files of the nested test
>>     should be located in a new directory inside the main test results
>>     dir in order to be able to browse either overall results (main test
>>     + nested tests) or just the nested tests ones.
>>     Resolver
>>     --------
>>     Resolver is an avocado component resolving a test reference into a
>>     list of test templates compound of the test name, params and other
>>     `avocado.Test.__init__` arguments.
>>     Very simple example
>>     -------------------
>>     This example demonstrates how to use existing test (SimpleTest
>>     "/usr/bin/wget example.org <http://example.org>") in order to create
>>     a complex scenario (download the main page from example.org
>>     <http://example.org> from multiple computers almost concurrently),
>>     without any modifications of the `SimpleTest`.
>>         import avocado
>>         class WgetExample(avocado.Test):
>>             def test(self):
>>                 # Initialize nested test runner
>>                 self.runner = avocado.NestedRunner(self)
>>                 # This is what one calls on "avocado run"
>>                 test_reference = "/usr/bin/wget example.org
>>     <http://example.org>"
>>                 # This is the resolved list of templates
>>                 tests = avocado.resolver.resolve(test_reference)
>>                 # We could support list of results, but for simplicity
>>                 # allow only single test.
>>                 assert len(tests) == 1, ("Resolver produced multiple test
>> "
>>                                          "names: %s\n%s" %
>> (test_reference,
>>                                                             tests)
>>                 test = tests[0]
>>                 for machine in self.params.get("machines"):
>>                     # Query a background job on the machine (local or
>>                     # remote) and return test id in order to query for
>>                     # the particular results or task interruption, ...
>>                     self.runner.run_bg(machine, test)
>>                 # Wait for all background tasks to finish, raise exception
>>                 # if any of them fails.
>>                 self.runner.wait(ignore_errors=False)
>>     When nothing fails, this usage has no benefit over the simple
>>     logging into a machine and firing up the command. The difference is,
>>     when something does not work as expected. With nested test, one get
>>     a runner exception if the machine is unreachable. And on test error
>>     he gets not only overall log, but also the per-nested-test results
>>     simplifying the error analysis. For 1, 2 or 3 machines, this makes
>>     no difference, but imagine you want to run this from hundreds of
>>     machines. Try finding the exception there.
>>     Yes, you can implement the above without nested tests, but it
>>     requires a lot of boilerplate code to establish the connection (or
>>     raise an exception explaining why it was not possible and I'm not
>>     talking about "unable to establish connection", but granularity like
>>     "Invalid password", "Host is down", ...). Then you'd have to setup
>>     the output logging for that particular task, add the prefix, run the
>>     task (handling all possible exceptions) and interpret the results.
>>     All of this to get the same benefits very simple avocado test
>>     provides you.
>>     Advanced example
>>     ----------------
>>     Imagine a very complex scenario, for example a cloud with several
>>     services. One could write a big-fat test tailored just for this
>>     scenario and keep adding sub-scenarios producing unreadable source
>> code.
>>     With nested tests one could split this task into tests:
>>      * Setup a fake network
>>      * Setup cloud service
>>      * Setup in-cloud service A/B/C/D/...
>>      * Test in-cloud service A/B/C/D/...
>>      * Stress network
>>      * Migrate nodes
>>     New variants could be easily added, for example DDoS attack to some
>>     nodes, node hotplug/unplug, ... by invoking those existing tests and
>>     combining them into a complex test.
>>     Additionally note that some of the tests, eg. the setup cloud
>>     service and setup in-cloud service are quite generic tests, what
>>     could be reused many times in different tests. Yes, one could write
>>     a library to do that, but in that library he'd have to handle all
>>     exceptions and provide nice logging, while not clutter the main
>>     output with unnecessary information.
>>     Job results
>>     -----------
>>     Combine (multiple) test results into understandable format. There
>>     are several formats, the most generic one is file format:
>>     .
>>     ├── id  -- id of this job
>>     ├── job.log  -- overall job log
>>     └── test-results  -- per-test-directories with test results
>>         ├── 1-passtest.py:PassTest.test  -- first test's results
>>         └── 2-failtest.py:FailTest.test  -- second test's results
>>     Additionally it contains other files and directories produced by
>>     avocado plugins like json, xunit, html results, sysinfo gathering
>>     and info regarding the replay feature.
>>     Test results
>>     ------------
>>     In the end, every test produces results, which is what we're
>>     interested in. The results must clearly define the test status,
>>     should provide a record of what was executed and in case of failure,
>>     they should provide all the information in order to find the cause
>>     and understand the failure.
>>     Standard tests does that by providing test log (debug, info,
>>     warning, error, critical), stdout, stderr, allowing to write to
>>     whiteboard and attach files in the results directory. Additionally
>>     due to structure of the test one knows what stage(s) of the test
>>     failed and pinpoint exact location of the failure (traceback in the
>>     log).
>>     .
>>     ├── data  -- place for other files produced by a test
>>     ├── debug.log  -- debug, info, warn, error log
>>     ├── remote.log  -- additional log regarding remote session
>>     ├── stderr  -- standard error
>>     ├── stdout  -- standard output
>>     ├── sysinfo  -- provided by sysinfo plugin
>>     │   ├── post
>>     │   ├── pre
>>     │   └── profile
>>     └── whiteboard  -- file for arbitrary test data
>>     I'd like to extend this structure of either a directory "subtests",
>>     or convention for directories intended for nested test results
>>     `r"\d+-.*"`.
>>     The `r"\d+-.*"` reflects the current test-id notation, which nested
>>     tests should also respect, replacing the serialized-id by
>>     in-test-serialized-id. That way we easily identify which of the
>>     nested tests was executed first (which does not necessarily mean it
>>     finished as first).
>>     In the end nested tests should be assigned a directory inside the
>>     main test's results (or main test's results/subtests) and it should
>>     produce the data/debug.log/stdout/stderr/whiteboard in there as well
>>     as propagate the debug.log with a prefix to the main test's
>>     debug.log (as well as job.log).
>>     └── 1-parallel_wget.py:WgetExample.test  -- main test
>>         ├── data
>>         ├── debug.log  -- contains main log + nested logs with prefixes
>>         ├── remote.log
>>         ├── stderr
>>         ├── stdout
>>         ├── sysinfo
>>         │   ├── post
>>         │   ├── pre
>>         │   └── profile
>>         ├── whiteboard
>>         ├── 1-_usr_bin_wget\ example.org <http://example.org>  -- first
>>     nested test
>>         │   ├── data
>>         │   ├── debug.log  -- contains only this nested test log
>>         │   ├── remote.log
>>         │   ├── stderr
>>         │   ├── stdout
>>         │   └── whiteboard
>>         ├── 2-_usr_bin_wget\ example.org <http://example.org>  -- second
>>     nested test
>>     ...
>>         └── 3-_usr_bin_wget\ example.org <http://example.org>  -- third
>>     nested test
>>     ...
>>     Note that nested tests can finish with any result and it's up to the
>>     main test to evaluate that. This means that theoretically you could
>>     find nested tests which states `FAIL` or `ERROR` in the end. That
>>     might be confusing, so I think the `NestedRunner` should append last
>>     line to the test's log saying `Expected FAILURE` to avoid confusion
>>     while looking at results.
>>     Note2: It might be impossible to pass messages in real-time across
>>     multiple machines, so I think at the end the main job.log should be
>>     copied to `raw_job.log` and the `job.log` should be reordered
>>     according to date-time of the messages. (alternatively we could only
>>     add a contrib script to do that).
>>     Conclusion
>>     ==========
>>     I believe nested tests would help people covering very complex
>>     scenarios by splitting them into pieces similarly to Lego. It allows
>>     easier per-component development, consistent results which are easy
>>     to analyze as one can see both, the overall picture and the specific
>>     pieces and it allows fixing bugs in all tests by fixing the single
>>     piece (nested test).
>>     _______________________________________________
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