@Ringo I'm interested to see what I've come up with too ; ) I'll post
it soon. No Bullet Flash in it yet but that is next.

@Michael which David? There's about 4 regular Dave's on here.

I got my head around (tried to) some multi-fractal solutions like
rescale-and-add and noise synthesis this weekend. They look like good
solutions to handle creating terrain on the fly that can also do LoD,
but how to texture/color them isn't obvious to me. I'm hoping not to
to have to reinvent the wheel here if someone has already got a
working solution.

On Jun 6, 1:46 am, Michael Iv <explomas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think you should talk to David
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 9:31 AM, ringodotnl <spee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hey Choons,
> > Interested to see what you come up with.
> > On Jun 5, 7:55 am, Choons <chadkim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi - I've been working on a flying demo and have started looking at
> > > ways to create a procedural terrain that always fills in ahead of the
> > > flight direction and is destroyed as it scrolls off the screen. I'm
> > > partial to a diamond-square approach but wanted to check in here to
> > > get ideas before I proceed. How would you guys go about it in
> > > Broomstick?
> --
> Michael Ivanov ,Programmer
> Neurotech Solutions Ltd.
> Flex|Air |3D|Unity|www.neurotechresearch.comhttp://blog.alladvanced.net
> Tel:054-4962254
> mich...@neurotech.co.il
> t...@neurotech.co.il

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