Sorry, should say that I'm using FP10, not the new Broomstick.

On Jul 22, 11:05 am, Manic <> wrote:
> I've been trying to convert an old project to the latest Away3D using
> Flex SDK
> I've managed to adapt everything so I'm getting no compilation errors,
> however I get the following trace when I try to run my project;
> ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _init is not defined.
>         at away3d.core.utils::Init/getString()[/away3d/trunk/fp10/Away3D/src/
> away3d/core/utils/]
>         at away3d.core.base::Object3D()[/away3d/trunk/fp10/Away3D/src/away3d/
> core/base/]
>         at away3d.core.base::Mesh()[/away3d/trunk/fp10/Away3D/src/away3d/core/
> base/]
>         at away3d.containers::ObjectContainer3D()[/away3d/trunk/fp10/Away3D/
> src/away3d/containers/]
>         at away3d.containers::Scene3D()[/away3d/trunk/fp10/Away3D/src/away3d/
> containers/]
>         at UCPeopleNew/setupScene()[/Users/10thplanet/Desktop/ucpeoplenew/
>         at UCPeopleNew()[/Users/10thplanet/Desktop/ucpeoplenew/
> 135]
> I've tried various different setup methods (not setting up a scene
> before sending it to a new View3D obj etc), but I get the same main
> error, it just changes whether it errors on getString or getBoolean or
> similar.
> I've done a bit of searching and there's some talk of this problem a
> while back, with the solution of going back to the zip download
> version. I figured if there was a problem it would have been fixed by
> now. Do I need to go back to another version to make it work?
> Thanks in advance.
> Martin

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