I am currently trying to upgrade my 3D map engine from 3.6 to 4.0.
I used to use TextureQueue, but it seems we have to use AssetLibrary class now. My problem is that i can't embed the assets in my swf's, i need to load them then to build dynamically the objects. In 3.6, i was using 2 texturequeues feeded with xmls, one to load the texture, the other to load the normalmaps, and when i was sure everyhting was well laoded, i loaded the 3ds and build the objetcs and the meshes with good textures and normal maps. I have really look everywhere, but i have found no tutorial, niether explanation anywhere on how to load assets in 4.0. Anyone could help me ? Is there a solution to "push" urls of assets to load in the assetlibrary, then to load everthing at once ?
any help would be faaaar welcome

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