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Julien Danjou wrote:
> Hi again,
> So, I've found a plan E, which seems so far the best I've in mind.

Oh noes, everybody run for their life!

> Plan E
> ------
> So the plan is:
> - Start to export "root windows" as:
>   screen[N].root (lightuserdata)
> - Merge widget INTO wibox. A wibox is now a widget also.
>   Since we only have 2 widget types (text/image, forget about systray for
>   now), we might just remove the type={imagebox,textbox} and just add
>   .text and .image properties.
> - Remove .screen property of wiboxes.
> - Add a .parent attribute to wibox. This can have values:
>   - nil (not attached)
>   - screen[N].root: a root window, i.e. attached to a screen (parented
>     to a root window)
>   - Another wibox!

What happens with xinerama/no-xinerama?
(For those that are unaware: Without xinerama you get multiple root windows,
with xinerama there is only one, big root-window)

Especially the "remove .screen property" would have weird results here. Or do
you create "fake root windows" which hide this difference? (ie. just a lua
lightuserdata which says "root window for xinerama screen 2 which is part of
real root window 1")

> Now, a widget *is* a wibox (we merge widget/wibox, remember?) so each
> wibox/widget is a X window and has its own set of events like mouse
> enter/leave, etc, directly handled by X itself. How convenient. :-)

Yay, that sounds good.

Will parent wiboxes also get the events of their child? (I don't know X handles
this, but I guess awesome could try to implement this differently again)

> With that we can build anything, like a good old notification:
> notify_box = wibox{ parent = screen[1].root }
> text_box = wibox{ text = "Hello world!", parent = notify_box }
> icon_box = wibox{ image = image("/home/foo/bar.png"), parent =
> notify_box }

So a wibox' .widgets property disappears? How does one set widget layouts with
this? Add a new wibox property .layout? Does awesome ignore the .layout of
non-top-level wiboxes and the widget layouts only care about those?

>  Limitation:
>   This drops the current possiblity to have one widget into several
>   wiboxes. But who cares about that?

Advantages: This solves the problem of "unique widgets" like systray very well.
It's no longer a special case!

> How that solve titlebar? Well, kinda easy:
> We add a .parent attribute to client objects, which is by default the
> root window of the screen they are. (we could even removed the .screen
> attribute since it's the same identification).

Or not. :P
Thinking about the "root window" objects again, I think that instead of adding a
new kind of objects we could just re-use the existing screen objects. That also
hides away xinerama...

> As for wibox, the .parent can have values which are nil/root
> window/wibox. So the client becames a "widget" (child) of a wibox,
> like can be.

So setting a client's parent to nil has the same effect as setting .visible to
false? Oh, wait, .visible doesn't overwrite the .parent.

> Then, the awful code which basically uses only client.get() to retrieve
> visible client and arrange them into a layout will have to be modified,
> as many other functions. Why? Because if a client is reparented, we
> probably don't want to move the client inside its titlebar-window-wibox
> but we want to move the wibox attached to the root window.
> Probably a screen[1].root:get_windows() or something should be added,
> returning a table of all objects (wiboxes, clients) attached to the root
> window.

I think it would be a pretty good idea to document the common functions /
properties of clients and wiboxes. Can we somehow use some kind of OOP to make
"wibox" and "client" both "inherit" from some common code? "window" objects? On
the C side, window_t could have the common stuff for clients and wiboxes (eg. we
save the geometry of the window both for clients and wiboxes)

> That leaves us with the problem of tags. Currently, the wiboxes do not
> have tag. That's something we should add. Top-level objects (object
> where .parent == root window) should be able to get tags. So we can (C
> side) map/unmap top-level objects based on their tags.

Add tags to "windows" insetad of "clients". ;)
Or we could make wiboxes default to .sticky = true (another property that would
then be common between clients and wiboxes...)

> What do you think, guys?
> Feel free to ask questions if I'm not clear. This might even
> raise a few problem that I did not think of. :-)

Sounds like a good idea, jd++.
You get another "jd++" for implementing this since it will be a lot of work. Oh
and people will hate you for breaking their configs. ;)

Looks like next will be interesting again.


Read this mail again. First I notice that xinerama might be a problem and then I
accidentally find a solution for that problem. I love problems which solve
themselves. :)
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"Do you know that books smell like nutmeg or some spice from a foreign land?"
                                                  -- Faber in Fahrenheit 451
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