At 1253017547 time_t, wrote:
> Except for less extendability (I think it is :) it brings speed.

Speed? Why do you want to bring speed? Is it currently slow?
Speed for speed brings nothing.

> I'm not sure if
> you have any experience with lua speed in awesome, I just found this:
> showing lua is about 30 times slower than C (the actual ratio in this case
> may vary by as much as 50% IMHO). The layout function could be called
> a lot (again I'm not sure how much though), its a bit long and with
> complex layouts is called recursively.. and so it could have an
> impact on slower mashines (and awesome is supposed to be
> lightweight..). you don't think it could be an issue?

No, I don't think so.
Yes Lua is probably 30 times slower than C, but it's still damn fast.
When things will get too slow for a proper usage on any modern computer
(sorry, I don't target 75 MHz processor) we'll see.
So far, the profiling we did never pointed out any point of slowness in
Lua. We rather have speed issue with cairo being a bit slow to render

And I trust *real usage profiling*. I don't trust special case

> I'm not convinced :P (see my last mail, windows parented to root and those
> parented to wibox both have quite different sets of properties)

That's a different issue. What we do with windows is not X problem, but
ours. And we'll find a clean and correct solution to handle such the
design we are starting to implement. :)

Julien Danjou
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