On Tue, 15 Sep 2009 00:06:19 +0200 (CEST) lukash <lukk...@email.cz> wrote:
> Lastly, if clients and widgets have common properties "inherited" from 
> "windows", how will
> these properties be handled on, for example, the icon widget in the example 
> above, ie. in a
> widget inside a widget? Seems like a bit of an inconsistency here (maybe 
> top-level widgets
> should be differentiated after all... we could call them... a wibox, maybe? 
> :D).

I just realized the exactly same thing happens to clients too. Top-level 
clients have window-like properties while child clients don't. A simple 
solution would be to have a "window" object, which would hold the windows 
properties, and would serve as parent to clients and widgets. And only windows 
could have root window (or screen[N]) as their parent.

But this adds an unnecesary level of reparentation... Maybe an attribute .type 
= "window" (or, as we only have 2 states, it could be .is_window = true) would 
work too, giving the widget/client window-like properties, and defining whether 
it can be parented only to root window or only to another widget. Any better 
ideas? :)


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