
So as many of you know, Awesome's Wikipedia page was deleted[1] for
really dubious reasons. But most notably, it has been very difficult
to find a reputable source online that has reviewed Awesome in any
way. Most press has been just blogs and nothing special. In fact,
Awesome has terribly marketing in general.

I think we, as a sizable community, have a chance to turn things
around though. We are a decently well connected bunch, and our project
certainly is sizable. As such, I am hoping to do a push to get Awesome
more out there. There are a few steps that are worth investigating:
 - Get Awesome into things like FLOSS Weekly[2] podcast (other
podcasts would be good too)
    - Julien Danjou would probably have to be interviewed for this if
his spoken English is good. If not JD, perhaps another
high-contribution dev like Gregor (farhaven) or Uli (psychon) could
help with this.
 - Arch Linux puts out a monthly high-quality magazine. Having spoken
the editor (a fellow Awesome user), he would be happy to publish
information about Awesome.
    - With regards to this, it would be, again, if JD could give a bit
of time to answer some questions (or someone else if JD is just too
    - I am interested in putting together the article for the upcoming
Arch Magazine. I WOULD LIKE HELP. Why do you, the users, think that
Awesome is great? What fantastic things have you done with it? I'm
pretty well connected in the community, but I'd like to hear your
ideas! :)
 - Julien, a long while back, put out a call for an overhaul of the
website. No one has stepped up. The website is... okay, but it doesn't
do Awesome justice. It's not particularly interesting. It doesn't say,
"this is the most cutting edge project ever". It could use a facelift.
I'm very experienced with websites, but I'm an especially busy guy. If
anyone else out there is a decent web developer and artist, we
_really_ could use your help.
 - Do _you_ have any connections with decent publications that might
want to cover Awesome's awesomeness? Do you have good ways to get the
Awesome way out to the people? Speak up in this thread.

Thank you very much for reading, Awesome community. The wikipedia
article deletion has alerted us that Awesome isn't terribly well
known, and it's not terribly well advertised. Lets turn this around.

Cheers and best regards,

-Andrei "Garoth" Thorp

[2] http://twit.tv/FLOSS

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