Thank you Tim. That's one of the more helpful posts so far :)

Anyway, so it's good that JD will do the interview. If anyone else can
get us some actual hard contacts to do some publications, that'd be

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:17 AM, T L <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm also new to the community, but I think this looks like really good
> stuff--I would love to see more awesome users and more press/info about
> awesome.  I've been brainstorming and came up with the following:
> 1) The Wikipedia page seems key because of its very wide appeal, audience,
> authoritative nature.  If we get the review, is the page likely to go back
> up or do we need other stats around user population or something like that?
> Are there other easy ways to strengthen our case for a page?  (I'm just
> wondering if we could simultaneously attack the issue on multiple fronts.)
> 2) As far as google, I hear the concern about the name but I'm not sure this
> is such a problem--I'm guessing the people we are interested in attracting
> (new users) would first search for something like 'ion3 alternatives',
> 'lightweight window manager',  etc.
> So my idea to boost marketing would be to have everyone write a blog post or
> two describing what wm they used before awesome--essentially a "why I
> switched" + "contrast and compare" article--and then another "first steps"
> with awesome or "top features" post.  To me, it seems like presenting the
> value of awesome (plus inbound links) from multiple places would be a great
> way to stimulate google traffic and generally increase popularity and
> awareness.
> 3) What about reaching out to other publications in addition to FLOSS Weekly
> and Arch Linux?  Would Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse, and Gentoo have similar
> publications?  Also, how about more geek than tech sites like TechCrunch,
> Lifehacker, or Slashdot--those sites must have enormous readership?
> 4) Are there any other technologies/projects that could partner with awesome
> for marketing or promotion?  Could we work with a Lua user group?  Or do
> something with vim--not sure what editor others use?  Maybe we could do a
> poll, find out what people in the community are using, and follow-up in
> those areas.
> Anyway, thanks for starting the thread Andrei, I like where it's going and
> am excited to see the results.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Andrei Thorp <> wrote:
>> Okay, guys.
>> I _understand_ that some people like the name and some people don't.
>> That's fine. And yes, it's a valid concern that it's hard to google
>> for and a bit arrogant.
>> But for the moment, this is like complaining about the position of the
>> radio volume knob of a car while trying to deal with the fact that no
>> one in the world actually knows about it.
>> If at all possible, I'd like to kill the discussion about the name and
>> get back to hearing from people who actually want to _do_ something
>> about the fact that Awesome's Wikipedia page was revoked and the
>> project is under-popular for it's extreme ability. Yes, I know, the
>> name causes some problems. That sucks. This isn't the thread to change
>> the name though -- feel free to start another.
>> Cheers,
>> -AT
>> --
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> --
> Tim Loudon
> (781) 686-6096

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