> So as many of you know, Awesome's Wikipedia page was
> deleted for really dubious reasons.

what a shame, lets get it back...

> the most difficult thing I've found to deal with is the name

Well, it has some drawbacks, but I love such humorous,
self-embracing approach to app-naming. If the doc is good enough,
and everyone writing a third-party-howto can stick to convention
of once writing awesome window manager in her article, I'd vote
for keepin' (although LegendWM is neat too...)

> clear documentation would certainly help

cant second that enough. the only package the updates of which
i ignore is awesome, ever since i looked for 3.3->3.4 migration
doc (well, actually i had to figure out i was supposed to be
looking for such in the first place by having been surprised with
a messed up config) and decided it was too quirky. same for
customization: i still have the out-of-the-box setup, with battery
monitor as an exception. the fact that i still am a fierce advocate
and identify most strongly with awesome may show how cool i find it,
but it has much more potential in terms of easing customization,
i think. OTOH, if the devs do what they can and noone ever
stepped up for constructing good docs around it, then thats what
it is, and awesome nevertheless.

best, dpl

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