On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Aneesh Kumar <aneesh.ku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Andrei Thorp <gar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Aneesh Kumar <aneesh.ku...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> One nice to have feature would be  to locate and switch to a tag using
>>> autocompleted names. That enables to have more than 9 tags.
>>> -aneesh
>>> --
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>> Just to clarify, you can already have more than 9 tags. You just need
>> more bindings. One solution is to
>> a) use 0
>> b) bind mod-# for 1-10, bind mod-shift-# for 11-20
>> And honestly, if you're using 20 tags, you're a bit of a nutter. (I'm
>> not even running 20 processes as my user just now.)
>> However, I agree that the proposed feature of a tab-completable prompt
>> for tag search is interesting. I'm not sure how practical it is in
>> terms of actually wanting to use it though.
> I started liking the name completed style selection after i started
> using google-reader key bindings.
> google-reader support 'gu' key binding to give you a frame with all
> matching names. As you keep typing it will
> eliminate non matching ones. That is much better than remember which
> key binding is it.
> One of the workflow i am looking at is to have tags based on different
> things i am working on. For ex: If i am looking at
> project1 i got to tag project1. i should be further classify it as
> project1_reading project1_coding etc.
> If the  key binding by default can pop up  frame with list of created
> tags we can even remove the taglist from the wibox.
> I am not sure whether awesome allows a frame like that. Something in
> the line of what happens when gtksu asks for password.
> ie rest of the screen gets shaded and only key focus will be on the
> frame. I would encourage to try 'gu' key binding on reader to
> visualize the details.
> -aneesh

Ah, okay, that's pretty reasonable

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