Am Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:36:37 +1000
schrieb Adam Nielsen <>:

>If you could clone specific windows does that mean you could move windows 
>between separate X11 screens without needing Xinerama?  IMHO that would be 
>ideal, because this is where a lot of problems stem from (windows appearing in 
>the middle of the screen, or the wrong screen, or moving unexpectedly, etc.) 
>This all works perfectly if each monitor is a separate X11 screen, but then 
>you can't move windows between monitors.

Moving windows between separate X11 screens would be a great feature,
i have three monitors on two cards, that means i can not use twinview
by nvidia because that supports only one card. And i can also not use 
xrandr because current versions also only supports one card. 

I currently have a running xinerama configuration - but with xinerama i
have no composite - so no eye candies :( and sometime performance

Without xinerama i have three different displays: no window moving
between screens is possible, but lots of eye candies possible.

I do not need single windows over multiple screens but just a way to
move a window to another screen. A rough idea would be to have a
command to reroute the window from the offscreen display to a
different screen. Is something like that possible?


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