At 2010-03-14 11:58:17 +1000, Adam Nielsen wrote:
> I've only just started using Awesome so my opinion won't carry much weight,
> but the most difficult thing I've found to deal with is the name.  "Awesome"
> is so generic it's next to impossible to find anything specific through search
> engines, all the results get pushed out in favour of other unrelated things
> people find awesome.  Thus the only source of information I'm aware of is the
> Awesome homepage.

Agreed -- the name makes finding information difficult.

Perhaps slightly off topic here but I'll take it further and say that 
the name is without a doubt the thing I like least about Awesome. In 
fact, when people see my displays at work and ask what I'm using I 
might not say the name at all, just that I use a tiling window manager 
(I'm aware it's more, but that's how I use it) and demonstrate a 
little. If I do tell them the name it's with a degree of reluctance.


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