On 03/13/2010 06:58 PM, Adam Nielsen wrote:
Perhaps if "Awesome" was only used as an abbreviation and the full name was
written as "AwesomeWM" wherever possible, it might make it easier for people
to find information about it?

The problem with this, of course, is that awm - the natural abbreviation for AwesomeWM - is already associated with the Avant (and Ardent) Window Manager, which is something entirely different.

I, like Bart, have issue with the name. I've had a number of people come up at work and say, "Hey, what's that window manager you're using?" and I'm not sure how to answer. Saying "it's awesome" sounds a bit tongue-in-cheek, and saying "it's the awesome window manager" isn't entirely accurate.

I like the name; it's got a nice ring to it, and it appeals to my inner geek, 

In short, I think the name is just too generic. It doesn't speak to what it is or what it does, and (from in-person responses I've gotten) comes across as kind of amateur.

Why not change the name? Take from the byline on the website, maybe: "This gonna be LEGEN... wait for it... DARY!" Call it LegendWM. Or maybe take from it's source, and call it LuaWM (or LunaWM).

As for people picking it up and using it, better site documentation and/or a "first use" configuration/introduction dialog (like what ion3 has, at least on some distros) would go a long way to getting people to stick with it. Starting out, it's not terribly clear on which configuration files need to be edited, and clear documentation would certainly help.


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