On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 07:04:59PM +0200, "Jérôme M. Berger" wrote:
> [...]
> >> The appropriate place to
> >> start programs would be your ~/.Xsession or ~/.xinitrc, depending on
> >> which is used by your login manager. A working bare bones session file
> >> would look like this:
> >>
> >>     #!/bin/bash
> >>
> >>     nm-applet &
> >>     exec awesome
> >    No success using either startup file.
> >    I don't think the login manager is reading either of the files
> >    above. Darn ubuntu.
> >   
>       Well I don't like Ubuntu, but they are not to blame for this one.
> Recent display managers (like gdm and kdm) don't run the .Xsession
> and .xinitrc files. Instead they rely on a set of .desktop files to
> describe the available desktop environments and let the user choose
> from a menu (although there might be one entry to execute .Xsession
> instead of launching a DE). Personally, I put the commands I want
> started automatically in ~/.xprofile (which is a bit of a hack since
> .xprofile is supposed to be used for setting environment variables,
> but it works).
> [...]

I know for a fact that with GDM the session which just calls your
.xsession (or .Xsession, depending on setup) is called "Execute .xclient
script" (and following that name, I'd guess it also executes ~/.xclient)
and with KDM the option is usually called something along the lines of
"Custom Session"


    Gregor Best

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