Hi list:

I just switched to awesome. Basically, It works well for me,
But I still have a weird problem:
The first time I run awesome (at TTY1), It starts at TTY7(Ctrl-Alt-F7),
then I quit awesome, and restart awesome
(or restart more than 1 time, It's always the same),
It always starts at TTY8, TTY7 remains black,
I've tried to use default rc.lua, but It's useless.
Is it normal?

I use archlinux, xorg 1.8.2, Intel i915 graphic card, 
and I don't use any "Display Manager" such as GDM.
my bash_profile:

. $HOME/.bashrc

if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then


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