On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Daniel <qu...@hack.org> wrote:
> I'm a user of larswm tiling window manager, but thought to try out
> awesome, as larswm starts to feel a little bit dated somehow.
> Wanting to quickly get a usable system set up, to be able to continue
> configuring, I would like to ask how to set up the following functions.
> I'm mostly using the tiled layout, with 1 master window on the left.
> 1) A key (typically Alt-Tab) to swap between master window and the
> top-most window in the right stack (called slaves in awesome?).
> Leaving focus still in the master window.
> 2) A key (Shift-Alt-Tab) to cycle clockwise by moving bottom window
> from right stack into master position, and the master window to top-
> position on the right; shifting all windows around.
> Still leaving focus in master window.
> I tried fiddling a little bit with existing client swap functions, but
> I'm just a beginner with lua and the whole system...

If I understood correctly, this is what you want:

    -- rotate clients and focus master...
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j",
        function ()
            local allclients = awful.client.visible(client.focus.screen)

            for i,v in ipairs(allclients) do


    -- ... the other way 'round!
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k",
        function ()
            local allclients = awful.client.visible(client.focus.screen)

            for i,v in ipairs(allclients) do
                if allclients[i+1] then


Renato Botelho

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