On 15.12.10 00:01, Daniel wrote:
> I tried out different terminal emulators, and found out that urxvt is a
> little bit better at keeping its window contents, even if it is resized
> to become rather small. It has some flaws but its better than xterm.

urxvt is the terminal that causes the least pain here, too.

> I also came across the daemon mode, with urxvtd and urxvtc, which was a nice
> memory-conservative feature. In replacing my terminal launcher with urxvtc
> I found that sometimes, just sometimes, a newly opened terminal (as master)
> doesn't get focus. Focus is still in the old master, which was shifted
> to the stack. I couldn't get a pattern for when it happens. Sometimes
> every tenth terminal. Sometimes five in a row.

I stopped using the daemon-mode that day, one of the terminals crashed so
badly, all the others were dead too. Since that day I use single processes
for every window again. I just don't want that risk. A few MB free RAM are
not worth it. And if the Memory consumtion of your terminals really is a
problem: buy more RAM! :-)


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