Hi Pawel,

well this is my current setup- LVDS and DVI are attached to Intel (and
if only those are attached with xorg.conf configure for a one scree
then awesome works awesome- rules works, maximization per monitor
too). But if only I attach Displaylink (so create another screen in
xorg.conf what is a must) then that situation occurs.

This is very strange for me.

I can provide screenshot if it helps and xorg.conf plus rc.lua.

Thank you for all your help.

With kind regards.


On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Paweł <gork...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Piotr,
> I wonder whether it may be an issue with displaylink driver not
> reporting correct screen configuration to RandR.
> Have you tried (I don't know is it possible with your hardware)
> attaching two displays to Intel gfx, and one to DL?
> Still I'm very surpsised that you were able to get two cards working with 
> randr.
> greetings,
> Paweł
> 2011/8/31 Piotr Adamus <panpiotrada...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Pawel,
>> no. This is issue with any window manager (including KDE, all tiling
>> managers). The only exception here is Xfce4. Using this I can maximize
>> window on LVDS e.g. or on DVI- so the maximizing doesn't stretch
>> window on both LVDS and DVI.
>> Is there any possibility to "split" screen 1 (consisting of LVDS and
>> DVI) into two virtual screens?
>> The another possibility is to use two instances of Xephyr- once to
>> login to use Displaylink and another login to use Intel.
>> Thank you.
>> With kind regards.
>> Piotr.
>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Paweł <gork...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> As far as I know, xrandr doesn't support multiple graphic cards yet -
>>> can you get any other WM to work properly using this setup? Because it
>>> may not be an Awesome-related issue.
>>> greetings,
>>> Paweł
>>> 2011/8/30 Piotr Adamus <panpiotrada...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have following issue and I would like to ask you for a help.
>>>> Physical configuration:
>>>> -GFX card: Intel and Displaylink (both works)
>>>> -Laptop LCD, and two external LCDs (one for DVI output of the laptop;
>>>> another for Displaylink).
>>>> The Displaylink forces me to set it screen 0 for Displaylink and
>>>> screen 1 for the Intel (so both LVDS and DVI displays). This setup
>>>> brings following issues:
>>>> -the client rules don't work on screen 1 (so LVDS and DVI) whereas
>>>> they work on screen 0 (Displaylink)
>>>> -if I maximize window on screen 1 it gets maximized on both LVDS and
>>>> DVI (very inconvenient)
>>>> Before I got only LVDS and DVI and obviously I got tags list on both
>>>> displays- now I get only one tag list for both LVDS and DVI.
>>>> It looks like awesome cannot recognize physical monitors on screen 1.
>>>> Is it anyhow possible to get back rules and tag lists separate for LVDS 
>>>> and DVI?
>>>> Thank you for your help.
>>>> With kind regards.
>>>> Piotr.
>>>> --
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