Hello everyone

I've been working with two screens. So I open, per example, chromium in screen 1, mod+o to move it to the second screen, and when I fill a form with a file selector, when I click it, raises an open dialog window, but not in the second screen, it is opened in the first screen.

I tried this to get that dialog window in the same screen that I have the mouse pointer, but it does not work.

{ rule = { class = "Chromium.*" , name = ".*Abrir.*" }, properties = {tag = tags[mouse.screen][2]}}, -- I use it in spanish { rule = { class = "Chromium" , instance = "chromium" }, properties = {tag = tags[mouse.screen][2]}},

What am I doing wrong?

The same occurs with emacs, if I change it to the second screen, the dialog windows open in the first one.


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