El vie 02 dic 2011 11:10:49 CLST, Matthew Hague escribió:

{ rule = { class = "Chromium.*" , name = ".*Abrir.*"  },
properties = {tag = tags[mouse.screen][2]}}, -- I use it in spanish

I think this will not work as hoped because it chooses mouse.screen when the
rules are loaded, not dynamically.  My fix for this is to do the following:

     { rule = {<blah>  },
       callback = totag(2) },

And elsewhere in rc.lua, define:

     function totag(i)
         return function (c)
                    local screentags = screen[mouse.screen]:tags()
                    c.screen = mouse.screen

The line "awful.tag.viewonly(...) is to automatically switch to the right tag,
so delete it if you don't want this behaviour.  If you do, you might also find
you need to make sure switchtotag is not set to true by your rules (it causes
some weirdness, but i forget what).

Well, this is my hack anyway :)



i tried your hack, but it the "open file" window is still raising at the first screen :(

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