Alexander Yakushev <> wrote:

>Look carefully on the bottom of urxvt window between 1:17 and 1:18. 
>Wiboxes that are under it flash lime for a moment. ffmpeg hadn't caught
>any more than that but widgets go all the way like this when I switch 
>between tags (in general, when something is redrawn on the top of
>I make wiboxes transparent by setting zero alpha channel to them, i.e.:
>local wbox = wibox({ name = wname, bg = '#00FF0000',
>height = wheight , width = wwidth })
>As you can see, I set the background color of the wibox to... wait... 
>lime! But interestingly even if I change this color to another the
>is still lime.

I can confirm that with my bottom wibox vicious widgets. Sometimes, they go 
crazy for a few seconds and show green and blue colors. It does not happen very 
often, so I haven't been able to deduce its cause yet.

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