On 16.12.2011 20:36, Alexander Yakushev wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=DClD_WnIyD8#t=75s
> Look carefully on the bottom of urxvt window between 1:17 and 1:18. 
> Wiboxes that are under it flash lime for a moment.

Thanks to the "pause" button, I can tell that it is flashing in green...

> ffmpeg hadn't caught
> any more than that but widgets go all the way like this when I switch 
> between tags (in general, when something is redrawn on the top of them).
> I make wiboxes transparent by setting zero alpha channel to them, i.e.:
> local wbox = wibox({ name = wname, bg = '#00FF0000',
> height = wheight , width = wwidth })
> As you can see, I set the background color of the wibox to... wait... 
> lime!

I'd call that green, but ok. :-P

The problem (I guess) is that the X11 server doesn't (really) support
transparency for a window's background. So the "background color" property of
the wibox gets set to "#ff0000". When an exposure happens, the X server will
fill that area in green and afterwards tell awesome to redraw its stuff. Awesome
will then grab the wallpaper and do its magic.

I really do think that setting the background to #00141714 (which is what gimp
says most of your wallpaper is) makes this issue less noticable.

> But interestingly even if I change this color to another the flash
> is still lime.

BTW you want bg_color = '#00141714', not bg = '#00141714'. Else that stuff gets
ignored and the color stays the same. :-P

> On 12/16/2011 08:54 PM, Uli Schlachter wrote:
>> Uhm, what? Tell me more. Could you perhaps make a screenshot / 
>> make-a-video-and-extract-a-screenshot for that? How do you make your 
>> wibox' background transparent?

Can't we set our double-buffering pixmap as XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEMAP and the issue
disappears completely? (If only I had the time to test...)


- Buck, when, exactly, did you lose your mind?
- Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.
  An ugly pineapple... But I loved her.

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