On 03.03.2012 22:40, Raphael Fournier wrote:
> (to the devs: is it really the expected behavior, to have the terms stay on
> a screen, even if its numbers goes from 1 to 2 ?)


Let's see...

Function scan() in awesome.c looks for existing windows and does some magic.
Nothing screen-related yet. Each client (which should be managed) is passed to
client_manage(). This function then checks which screen the client is on:

     /* Set the right screen */
     screen_client_moveto(c, screen_getbycoord(wgeom->x, wgeom->y), false);

So nothing gets moved around. It just stays at the position it was before
awesome started. (Later, the client layout code kicks in and rearranges each
screen, but each client stays on the screen that it was on when awesome 

And yes, awesome restarting due to a new screen appearing is just a special
case. So if the new screen is to the right or below existing screens, clients
will stay on the screen they were on previously. If the new screen is above or
left of existing screens, stuff gets shuffles around.
If the new screen has a smaller resolution than existing screens, clients could
even be "randomly" distributed between the screens.

I hope that explains what the current behavior is. You ask if this is the
expected behavior? Of course it is. For one because that means I don't have to
change anything and because awesome doesn't save any state across restarts, thus
not much can be done about this.

- Buck, when, exactly, did you lose your mind?
- Three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple.
  An ugly pineapple... But I loved her.

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