It would be very convenient if all screens could share one
list of tags, such that any tag could be picked up by any 
screen at any time.

In utopia, it would of course be possible to display a tag
on both screens simultaneously.  Potentially making the same
window display twice with different size.  Obviously, that
will not work, so I would be quite happy with a solution where
one screen tacitly drops a tag when it is picked up by another.

I have dug into the code, and it looks as if it should be
possible to reimplement the functions used to display a given tag
so that they first reset the screen attribute.  If that's done,
I cannot see any reason not to let all screens use the same
global list of tags.  It is clearly non-trivial and would require
changes to quite a few library modules, but AFAICS doable with
sufficient insight into lua and the awful modules.

Alternatively, a function which loops over all windows with a
given tag and reassigns each one to a new screen, would be useful,
although not as convenient as the above.

As far as I can see from old posts, others have expressed similar
desires, but I have not seen any proposed solutions.
Has anyone seriously tried to solve it?  With or without success?
Can anyone see anything I have missed and which could blow up?

:-- Hans Georg

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