On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 11:52:47 +0200, Paweł Rumian
  <gork...@gmail.com> wrote:
:  I am not sure if I have understood you correctly, but check i3 - it
:  shares tags between screens and adds them on the fly when needed.
: (...)
:  Other option is that I have not understood your intention and you were
:  thinking of something different :)

I'll have a look at i3, but awesome's claim of complete keyboard control
and the first wm to go beyond Xlib was so promising that I stopped
looking for other wm-s :-)  Having the floating layout available
will definitely smoothen the learning curve of awesome...
How is i3 for comparison?

It is not important that the taglist be global per se.  What is most
important is a tag can move freely between screens in one operation.
Let's take an example.  Some kind of development work in xterms
will require at least three windows which fit nicely on one main screen.
(edit+compile+preview for LaTeX or edit+compile+debugger for
programming)  The second screen is very useful to browse and search
for documentation in a web browser.

Unless the desk is optimally arranged such that both screens are 
equally comfortably placed, one may want to swap the two for long
research sprees on the web.   Moving /one/ window from one screen
to another is straight forward, but moving every window with a given
tag is cumbersome (even when programming it in lua).  If one insists
on not messing up the geometry in the process it might even be outright
difficult (I am not sure).

:-- Hans Georg

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