On Mon, 14 May 2012 15:59:34 +0200
Theodor van Nahl <theo...@van-nahl.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> because you choose a blog-software I have to ask:
> What kind of community do you have in mind?
> What should be the aim for an seperated awesome-community?

A more general question from my side: where do you (by you I mean the
list recipients) talk about awesome? I rarely do, mostly with people I
already know (from the debian community). More technical questions find
their way to the mailing list. If awesome.naquadah.org had a forum
with the core devs as active members, I would probably have a look from
time to time. But I surely wouldn't follow a blog driven by people who
can't even help themselves in rather easy questions ;) Sorry,


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