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On 27/08/12 00:16, Manuel Kasser wrote:
> Hi, I wanted to write a function for awesome, so that I'm able to shove a 
> selected client to
> the previous or next tag with a certain keybind. I can, even by default, 
> already do this by
> sending a client to a certain tag, but I want do add the functionality for 
> doing this for the
> "next tag", no matter what tag is active. My problem is, I want the tag after 
> the last tag to
> be the first tag, like a circle of all tags, but I think I need the total 
> number of tags on my
> screen to do so. I could do that hardcoded, but to avoid inconsistency I 
> would prefer to get
> the number of tags after they've been created, so I don't have to change an 
> extra variable when
> changing the number of tags. But I wasn't able to find a function which gives 
> me the number of
> tags on a screen (or I just misunderstood the documentation).
> I thougt about getting the actual tag number and then putting the client to 
> the tag
> (number%totaltagnumber + 1) or (number%totaltagnumber - 1), depending on what 
> direction is
> selected. If this idea means a whole amount of unnecessary, maybe inefficient 
> code, I'm glad if
> you would tell me, I'm new to awesome (but already fascinated) and not very 
> experienced.

I can't help you directly wioth your question, but I have (from
https://github.com/ierton/awesomerc-ierton) a function which is doing exctly 
that: moving a client
to the next tag, with cycling - check out the keybinding for modkey F2:

 awful.key({ modkey }, "F2",
               function (c)
                  local tag = myrc.tagman.getn(1)
                  awful.client.movetotag(tag, c)

and the corresponding functions.

Hope this helps,


> Thanks in advance, Manuel

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