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On 01/09/12 13:44, Manuel Kasser wrote:
> Hi everyone, thanks a lot for helping me and sorry for responding that late, 
> unfortunately I
> was unexpected busy last week and thus had no time to deal with that matter.
> I examined this part of code:
>> awful.key({ modkey }, "F2", function (c) local tak = tags[1].getn(1) -- this 
>> shall give me
>> the tag next to the active one on the right awful.client.movetotag(tak, c) 
>> --this puts the
>> active client "c" to the tag with the number tak awful.tag.viewonly(tak)  
>> --this sets the tag
>> where the client have been put active c:raise() --this sets the moved client 
>> on top of all on
>> the new tag (just relevant with floating clients, I think) end),
> But tags[1].getn(1) produces an error: "attempt to call field 'getn' (a nil 
> value)" Might
> happen because "tags" is an awful.tag-object and I can't find a 
> "getn"-function in awesome's
> reference entry for awful.tag. "tags[1].getn()" without a number does the 
> same (no surprise if
> I really call a nonexisting function).
> The line of the original given function "local tak = myrc.tagman.getn(1)" 
> complains about a
> nil-value right at "myrc". Maybe I just have do adapt "myrc" and "tagman", 
> but I don't really
> know what type of object they are. Maybe you can help me again?

Sorry - I only have the faintest clue about lua and the inner workings of that 
config - I just
copied things and am sing them right now. Actually, I must admit I am using 
shifty now, and there
you have the same functionality via the function:

  awful.key({modkey, }, "F1", shifty.send_prev), -- client to prev tag
  awful.key({modkey  }, "F2", shifty.send_next), -- client to next tag

Sorry that I can't hel you further,


> Thanks Manuel

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