On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 8:37 PM, Alexis BRENON <brenon.ale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Oon-Ee :
> I don't think that mixing two DE/WM is a good idea. I give a look to i3 doc,
> the main config file doesn't seems to be written in Python, it should be a
> quite 'expert' functionnality. Nevertheless, I LOVE AwesomeWM, I don't want
> to change (for the moment).

No, mixing is not a good idea. And why would you expect configuration
to be in python? What I said was that python bindings for i3 are
available and easy to use.

Pretty off-topic by now, but if you consider it 'expert functionality'
then I think that sort of sums up where this thread came from and is

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