On Fri, Jul 31 2015, Alexis BRENON wrote:

> Why Lua has been chosen to be the language for AwesomeWM configuration ?

It's a long story, that I will talk about during a talk at the next
FOSDEM in 2016, in the Lua and Guile devroom, for those of you who are

To summarize, the easiest way to have a higher-level-than-C programming
language embedded in 2008 (for a newbie like me) was Lua. Plenty of
documentation, really easy syntax and integration system (stack based).
Compared to the the state of Python back then for example, which looked
way more… obscure.

I had no idea that the awesome system and API would grow that far, and
while being neat for little programs and algorithms, writing large
framework and more advanced stuff _can_ be a pain in Lua.

It now seems obvious it should have been Lisp (probably Guile), but
well, history is history, and Lua is probably good enough! :)

Julien Danjou
// Free Software hacker
// https://julien.danjou.info

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