As Alexander said above, just go and try it, really. There is no risk involved.

Personally I can say that Awesome is one of two best things that
happened to me in the Un*x world in last years (the second one is
mastering Vim).
But I was immediately hooked to the idea of tiling WM, and just tried
all of those that were available five years ago - I stayed with
Awesome as it was best in handling multiple monitors at that time.

If awesome won't appeal to you, you can give i3 a try - I remember
that I liked it really a lot - in some aspects more than awesome.


2015-09-08 19:58 GMT+02:00 Ray Andrews <>:
> Gentlemen,
> I use xfce, it's fine, but I want something lighter.  All I really want is
> the xfwm part of it, and even that window manager has its defects. I have
> dual monitors, and I can't drag anything between monitors.  I hate trying to
> configure things using those stupid pop up dialogue boxes.  I'd like text
> configuration files that I can edit, save, backup and restore.
> Awesome seems well spoken of.  What can you guys tell me?  I can't think
> what to specifically ask.  It would be nice if it worked sensibly out of the
> box.  I don't need fancy effects.  I want windows on screens that I can
> resize, maximize, minimize, etc.  Nice if they snap to borders to avoid
> wasted space.  Xfce gives normally six or so desktops than you can change
> to, that's good.  The mouse has to work.  I need custom keyboard shortcuts.
> Basically nothing strange.  I don't want to have to spend six months
> learning Lua.  I want a simple, predictable, configurable WM that is usable
> but doesn't bother me with bells and whistles.
> Advice?

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