Alan Bateman said the following on 04/20/11 21:01:
David Holmes wrote: is known to the VM. We use it with Embedded to detect if we are currently running our headless JRE or not: if xawt/ (or motif21/ isn't present then it is an Embedded headless JRE.

So any change here would have to be coordinated with a VM change.

Glad I was subscribing to this list :)
I'm glad too. Do you think this could be done a different way? In java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment I see that isHeadless consults getHeadlessProperty to determine if we are headless and one of the things it checks is whether the DISPLAY variable is set. If this additionally checked that is available then would it avoid needing code in the VM?

It's a different definition of "headless". The JDK can have headful capabilities but operate in headless-mode - all the libs are still present. The SE-Embedded headless JRE has had all the headful libs stripped out. We use the absence of the libs to recognize that this is a headless-JRE and use that to set the java.awt.headless property so that the Java libs act in headless-mode. So the VM drives this.


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